There's a time and a place to call someone a Karen and this is clearly not one of them, unless you're the glove licker in question?

Every time I've been to Olive Garden here it's been busy, has that changed recently?

She messaged the next day that we wouldn't be a good fit

"We only want children from careless parents, thanks."

OP tricked us into thinking this would be a feel-good story!

Your claim just now could be just as false as all the others that have been posted recently. How about we just all agree to wait and see?

Unless you work for Costco corporate I think my last sentence still holds...

That seems to go against multiple different sources in other posts. I guess we'll see who is right.

At least we're not "Well Above Normal" like the southern states will be this summer

Dynasty Warriors! I don't care how many times they rehash the same old story and characters, I'm always up for mindless mowing down of thousands of NPCs. Oddly therapeutic.

How dare you! The Stovens are a noble house built from the best artificial intelligence has to offer.

You made your choice not to have a Facebook account so the consequences are you look shady when you jump on just to sell your crap, that's just the way it goes. There's no way to tell the difference between you and a scammer and account age is one of the few tools buyers have to protect themselves.

Glad the world doesn't run based solely on your opinion. How self-centered can someone be?

Missed the previous response about distraction not being an actual solution eh?

About as long as Swiss Chalet lasted, which was what, two years?

Nah, now everyone has moved on to discussing second Costco rumors.

Any update on this? Eager to try this game.

Classic Jeremy Harrison unjustified bravado as well! Stay classy, Jeremy.

That sounds like classic Jeremy Harrison over-simplification at its finest!

I think you're missing the entire point there Jeremy, you might need some more time away to "reflect".