
BOP is not there to support pharmacists

Explain why you believe weather pattern data over billions of years but not what we have had over the last few centuries.

Edit- also explain why you believe the majority of scientists are wrong or lying. What makes you so much more knowledgeable of the truth.

Whatever you need to tell yourself.

You sound like flat earthers who also believe the nonsense they spew.

But you believe in the recent science of weather patterns over billions of years.

Sure. Makes complete sense.

Good thing there are hundreds of thousands of scientists out there that actually put out data to prove folks like you wrong.

Unfortunately, that won't stop you from posting nonsense and not caring about the planet.

But that's on you. Enjoy life in the sand.

Funny that you pick and choose which science to believe in.

Actually, it's not funny. It's sad.


Shared decision making just means, "find a reason"

They will say, "see, you don't even like your own kind to support them!"

Wouldn't you rather side with caution and actually try to take care of the earth?

That it went over and not under. Nothing to do with the lighting.

Ok, still not sure what that has to do with the fact that it went over the bowl.

Ummmm. Ok, not sure what that has to do with anything. But....thanks?

You'd think being part owned by a trillion dollar company would have allowed them to pick up the pace in good contenr the last few years.

It took years and years of beta for it to get into a spot that is barely above "ok"

Never been a thing in Diablo and most ARPG games.

Sounds like he hit the lottery, and it's then difficult to compare compensation.