To discuss with the uninformed is fruitless...Whitmer authorized the COVID patients into the senior care facilities as did Como from New York....she has the blood of 11,000 deaths...

Leftist are violent, notice Trump conviction and no riots’s the leftist democrats that destroy

There’s no question here in Michigan the powers to be are ruining education by lowering standards. There are higher numbers of under achievers and much lower “achievers”...but spending per student is ridiculously’s NOT the teachers!

The government relies on this to win its cases, a person can’t afford to play in that arena...

Gretchen Whitmer is the worst, her position is legalizing drugs and abortion which illustrates her lack of moral character. Michigan has the worst roads I have ever seen but she’s wasting funds by “patching roads” pretending to fix the roads. Whitmer is a huge supporter of China, giving huge subsidies while neglecting US companies....AND she is actually responsible for killing the elderly during COVID by moving COVID positive patients into senior care facilities....she’s the worst kind of person I unfortunately know

The media is the problem, pushing narratives and the masses that have no history and following blindly. The power is corrupted and stop the hate, you have been manipulated

Democrats do the violence, we’ll need those if we riot

I am thinking fish guts and pray the raccoons visit my garbage can at its new location.....

Really? So there is no statue on time 5 years on these made up crimes??? It’s all political persecution as denying witnesses for the defense was a joke ....

I’d keep putting my trash in my trash can, regardless of its location...just say’n

It’s unfortunate that hatred has blinded many, this has Nothing to do with Obama/Clinton...we lost our country as powers shift and the laws have been weaponized...and will be used to shore up power

There is no crime, just an attempt to eliminate a presidential candidate

I am a mortgage banker and have been doing this since 1982. I belong to 3 “business networking” groups locally. I have developed relationships with so many type of businesses including “construction” “handymen”, renovation/restoration companies ....yesterday I gave the construction guy a full basement renovation ($55,000) job, last week a total rehab house ($140,000-different contractor) ...networking is important and your performance is everything when people pass your name works ....

Biden showered with his daughter, there’s that

Many people are wanting to move but their current mortgage rate is 3% or less. Moving now would put your interest rate above 7%, making a monthly mortgage payment substantially higher.

I would start with making honey there, have flowers and let the bees do their thing 🐝

Intent is important, putting people who don’t have intent to harm is risky...avoid Turks and Caicos...