This doesn't make sense because Ariane 5 already existed. Spending several billion euros to develop Ariane 6 just to get an outdated rocket even before its first flight is questionable. For this money, Ariane 5 could have been maintained for at least a decade while developing a more promising rocket at the same time.

The justification of guaranteed access to space appeared only after it became clear that Ariane 6 was uncompetitive, but this is a false argument and an attempt to justify a bad decision to develop Ariane 6 as it exists today

There are a lot of pissed off people in the EU

Mostly French

What confuses me more is the fact that until 2022, for some reason Russians were considered more reliable...

The main reason for such competitiveness of Ariane was the absolute uncompetitiveness of the shuttle. They probably did not fully understand their past recipe for success, or rather, they understood, but they played the bet a second time that the Americans would face another failure

This is a potential point of failure. After liftoff, the engines operated for another 15 seconds. The computer would have shut them off immediately. Even a person would have done it in just a few seconds...

A million more, a million less, no one will notice. I wonder how many Covid deaths they actually have, especially when they abruptly lifted the zero covid, because their vaccines were crap

NATO expansion was a factor, but for a different reason, namely that Russia considers eastern Europe to be vassals and itself overlords, this also applies to the EU, since it interferes with Russia's influence in the region

There is also the original plan with transpiration cooling. Musk mentioned that it was twice as heavy as the tile proposed at that time, but the tile has gained weight, and now the difference is much smaller. Of course, there are no guarantees that the mass of the transpiration cooling system won't increase as well, but they might test it in the future if, after operational experience, they find the tile to be more problematic.

Ariane 6 capabilities are on par with Falcon 9. 

Half of Ariane 6 launches are Bezos satellites, and that's only because his rocket company, paradoxically, does not have an orbital rocket.

Firstly, there are Gateway projects and several projects for commercial space stations, and secondly, the experience of the ISS is quite contradictory and, from the point of view of the money spent on it, it was probably not worth it.

If you think that there was a lot of innovation before the 19th century, then I have bad news for you.

Because Artemis is a political circus. Congress saw it as pork, and on the other side is NASA (part of NASA, primarily represented by Bridenstine, but there are others deeply involved in the pork as well), which has to satisfy Congress and try to make something reasonable out of it, but without the necessary budget. Ordering a lander and spacesuits 2-3 years before the initial landing date is nonsense.

No evidence, empty platitude

I would recommend that you read something on military topics. Look into the signs of war preparations and similar things. I don't have much desire to explain anything to someone as ignorant as you.

Yeltsin even wanted to join NATO but got denied.

No, he didn't


Second space station.


Derived from spacecraft Soyuz


A rocket with the payload capacity of Falcon 9 and Delta 4

their lunar exploration program

This program largely repeats Apollo

their lunar base plan

Well, the plan is a plan, ESA also has a plan for a lunar base.

Currently there are only two fully operational space stations – the International Space Station (ISS) and China's Tiangong Space Station (TSS). At this time its looking like the ISS will be decommissioned before any of these private stations are operational and there is not an approved plan for a new NASA station.

Gateway is NASA's new deep space station. It has been approved and is currently under construction, with a planned launch around 2026-2027. Axiom will initially be a module of the ISS, which is set to launch in 2026. Before the ISS is decommissioned, it could be converted into a standalone space station. Ultimately, it will depend on whether NASA wants to maintain a new space station in low Earth orbit, as it has not proven to be the most cost-effective use of funds.

And that's all you could list? This is certainly impressive, but to say that China is “making much more progress in space than NASA” is, to put it mildly, ridiculous.

This entire thread is an example of how the US is manufacturing consent for a conflict with China

This entire thread it's just a parade of your ignorance. I have no idea who you are, Chinese, leftist, Russian, tanky or anyone else, I don’t care, but everything you wrote is just like the average Chinese propaganda manual.

China is not a threat to the American people.

The opposite is also true, but this does not change the fact that everything is moving towards war

China is making great progress in their space program and are actually making the investments in moving space exploration forward

Well, NASA too.

We are all the same and we should be working together to advance science and human achievement

This train left a long time ago. The competition could be much better.

China getting to the level of the west and pushing space exploration forward should be something that is celebrated and NASA should be right there with them working together.

A very naive view of things

The US has been testing anti-satellite weapons systems since the 50s

Until the end of the Cold War.

China went from one of the poorest countries in the world the one of the most developed. Idk what you mean by this statement. China has gone from manufacturing cheap trinkets to developing some the most advanced manufacturing centers, especially with green technology.

Last time I looked they still had the largest trade surplus in the world

So China is not allowed to explore space or cooperate with the west in space science because "rockets"

If these missiles are subsequently aimed at you, then yes, I doubt that you will want to share technology


Nine dash line, India border, their missile technology specification, fleet buildup specification.

They have been developing trade routes and relationships with their neighbors. Offering better deals than the IMF to their regional partners isn't waging war. This is all just feels and state department propaganda

The IMF does not wage wars, it provides loans.

China has only two foreign bases


The US has bases in 45 other countries and dozens of bases throughout southeast asia surrounding China

Most of which are in Japan and Korea with which there is a defense pact.  And yes, I’ll say right away, the US does not have a military base in Hong Kong, as some sources depict.

The US is the country that has the history and policy to invade any country that doesn't submit.

It's strange that the US didn't invade Russia.

There is no evidence that China is going to act like the US

The last time I looked, China had plans to have 6 carriers and many landing ships.

Its the US that is gearing up for war with China not the other way around.

Now both are preparing for war with each other, but it’s not for nothing that I mentioned earlier the expansion of China’s ballistic missiles and their specifications.

unequal exchange

It’s strange that for some reason China is only getting rich because of this...

A multipolar world makes that harder

As long as China remains a closed export-oriented economy, the dollar will continue to rule the balloon, from this point of view, the multipolar world gives little to countries that are not exporters of basic resources.

For example the US has a history of coups and military interventions in Latin american countries that implement the mildest land reform and social democratic reforms.

Initially, the Monroe Doctrine was directed against the influence of Europeans, then Russians. No Latin American country has ever been able to compete economically with the US

You are a fucking idiot

Sorry, I didn't realize who I was talking to.

The new Cold War with China didn’t start with Trump. It started under Obama.

I would have started not with Obama, but with 2007-2008. Remind me, when did China start testing anti-satellite weapons? When did the deployment of new ballistic missiles begin? 

When China stopped just being the sweatshop of the world and actually began becoming a robust developed country

China is still the sweatshop of the world and doesn't want to give up this status

All technology is technically dual use

Especially rocket and space technology

There is no evidence that China wants a war with the US

Purely technically, they want a war in Asia to drive the US out. There are several ways to achieve this, and war is one of them, and they are preparing for it.

It’s the US that has military bases across the world

Okay and? China also has foreign military bases

It’s the US that invades, bombs, coups, murders, and supports genocide across the world

I don't understand. At least develop your idea to the end. Was the US going to invade China?

The US ruling class feels threatened by the rise of a competing economy

I'm already confused with leftist theorists. Is the ruling class getting rich because it outsourced production or does it feel threatened?

But do you know how you avoid war?

No way, war is only a matter of time.

Economic and scientific cooperation.

The West tried and this is why we ended up where we are today. It didn’t work with Russia either.

Sorry but China is making much more progress in space than NASA

Lol, for example?

Soon the only space station in orbit will be Chinese

You forgot Gateway (although I think that it is not needed, but still) and several projects of commercial stations that are being developed in the US and may possibly replace the ISS (Axiom, Starlab, Orbital Reef, Gravitics)

Develop your thoughts further, because apart from the directory of the average wumao, I didn’t see anything interesting

This is not the first post on this subreddit about the return of samples, and they received much less attention because they were purely technical, but this post and the article contain a political subtext. It is unfair to talk about Sinophobia when the original source contains Americaphobia.

This is the main advantage of fixed-price contracts; the contractor cannot manipulate the numbers to look cheaper when concluding a contract, and then billions of cost overruns will appear out of thin air and be paid by the state. This does not work where it is impossible to accurately estimate the final cost due to complexity and innovation, but spacesuits have been made since the 60s, I am not sure that this is not a sufficient excuse for a fixed price

The problem is not so much the essence of the contract, but the fact that NASA does not have enough money to pay the full price tag.

That’s a load of bs. The US does way more industrial espionage than any other country on the planet

Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. There are hundreds of examples of Chinese theft and far fewer from the US. Industrial espionage exists everywhere, but nowhere is it supported by the state, at the level that occurs in China.

The reason for the wolf amendment is Sinophobia and to advance this stupid trade war / Cold War

Wolf amendment was adopted even before Trump began the confrontation against China, when almost no one was talking about a new Cold War.

It will be better for the US to cooperate even if some technology gets “stolen”

What if these are dual-use technologies?

China is not the enemy

It’s a pity that China itself does not share your optimism

"During peace time a scientist belongs to the World, but during war time he belongs to his country"