You'll reply to a 20 day old thread but you won't read any of the context. Get a life bro.

No... thats pattern recognition and empathy.

Humans are social animals and evolved to notice slight changes in facial expression, stature, and body language.

Most of the time I ended up idling just outside my destination waiting for the cassette to finish before I continue the mission.

His accent reminds me a bit of my highschool French teacher, he was from Morocco, so grew up speaking a hybrid of French, English, and Arabic.

"I do not need to define god, I am not the one making the claim that a god exists. It is on the one making that claim to define and provide evidence of their claim."

I get that logic. And if that's how you rule them, that's fine. Mid session, what the DM says goes. Rules clarifications can happen between sessions.

I'll say it's important to keep in mind that terms have very specific meanings in the rules.

The amorphous trait says the creature can move through any space as small as an inch without squeezing. But that is still movement, and a creature that is grappled has a speed of 0, and thus can't move.

For the future, a good middle ground would be giving the ooze advantage on trying to break the grapple. Or let it auto succeed, but still cost it's action. Assuming you co tinder to let them be grappleable

So, for more info op, when the player tried to grapple the ooze, did you indicate wether the attempt was a success or failure?

Your phrasing makes it seem like you indicated it was a successful check then had the ooze move anyway.

I'd say at least, it should be made clear that an action has no effect when that action is taken. Like make it clear when narrating the action that the grappling failed.

From OPs description it sounds like they let the player role, said they succeeded, then had the ooze move freely.

Also... it's trending because people are covering it... thats what trending means

We've seen a couple powerful devils manage to retain some memories of past lives. So it could just be an aspect of that.

It's so you can shoot at the enemy gundam behind you while keeping your main thrusters forward for acceleration. The zaku that het caught always turn around.

He literally said he will use the power of the president to hi t political rivals.

At their age it's basicly a crapshoot. Some people get dementia in their 60's, others stay sharp well into their 90's

And the question will call attention to it and hopefully make her think about that perspective like I said....

The mom obviously think he is a creep for some reason. The point of the question is to call attention to it and make the mom think

My personal version is "life is too short to worry about looking silly."

For me it's mostly time. I only have time to play on my days off, by the time the next weekend comes around, I'm in the mood to play something else.

Episode 11 hits me real hard. Had family in the military, stationed overseas when I watched that.