Will you e atrackted to his apearance when he is 80 and shrifled up and his balls hang to his knees? No. THATS why you shoulden't base your marriage on phisical atraction.

But I question is if you are atracted to who he is on the first place? It sounds like your "I love him" is more of a "I don't want to be alone". Are you compatible? You compare hom to his parents, chances are his philosophy is close to that. So maby e have a good long think and talk about it BEVORE you legaly binde yourself together?

NTA, but neither is she. She realised you are not compatible and she is right and she was right to keep the kids out of her relationship ubtill she wanted to be serious, and see if it all worked out as a family constelation and it does not.

You had the same realisation, you just have an imature reaction to not being the one who broke it of and thats why you want to "go back" to bevome the "good guy" again. Just let it be and move on.

Uuuuh how about 7months ago?

Seriiusly, get a divorce, hope he pays childsuport and focus on you being a good mum to your kid and a good partner to yourself. See if he puts in the effort to coparent if he dosen't too bad, but better to grow up with no dad than to grow up in fights and wach your mum be treated like a dorematt.

I am agender. I think gender and the genderbinary are allowed to "exist" cuz they can be just as fun to play with as any other identity or anyother part of reality that is kind of made up. I just wished ppl where less fearbased and more open so they could play and just enjoy it instead of resisting and making it hard for everyone else.

He showed you what kind of husband a d father he will be just then and there. Only there for the goodweather shifts and funrides. If you stay with him you are signing up for that.

And fuck the "younger sibling" excuse! My husband is the youngest one, he is much better at taking care of the kids when they are sick, he stayed home with me for 3 week avter I had my first baby and cooked and cleannd and took care if the baby so I could rest and heal. During 54hrs of labour he diden't leave my side and slept just as little as me. When I am sick or have a flare up he will come home from a full day of work and take over. When we went out and got drunk bevore he offered to hold my hair when I puked a d made sure I had waterbottles and an emergency pan to be sick in bevore he went to bed as well. He is a caring loving person.

She asked to add sonething in to your sexlife to increas pleasure in 4 year relationship. You pushed her on questions you diden't want to hear the awnser and then called her ugglyer than your ex out of petty revenge. Yea YTA!

I love your style!

All I can say is that acomodating vertical for you seems to be good for you, but width isen't needed. With your hight that will technicaly only leave SD and D. You seem relatively balanced. Over the top SD outfits might be too much for you but theoreticaly 5.6 is too tall for DC. (I'd still expiriment with it though) You could expiriement with the recomendations and look in to other style aproaches too. Like essences or Ritas Style Kyes, Style Roots etc.

Listen, I am in a relationship with a man 9 years older. I can understand babyfever, I wanted to be a mum all my life. I cried from babyfever at 18 knowing I was still to young but my hormons got me good. So I KNOW how you feel! However, pleas,pleas,pleas don't push it on him or do stuoid shit like babytraping him. You have to think ahead for years with this shit AND for at least you and a tony human who has no choice in this. Pregnancy is fucking hard. Newborns are super hard on a relationship. I tell you that as someone who got together with my now husband at 25, had my daughter at 28 and will have my second one at 30 now. The big diffrence is my vusband allready was a father who lifed with him 50% of the time, always wanted to be a dad a d prooved he was a good dad who fought tooth and nail to be the best dad he could avter his ex cheated and leaft him when his son was only 1.5years old. When we tried for our daughter avter I lost my first I proposed to my husband cuz it was suddenly important to me that I had the security of marriage even though I too life in a country with equal parenting rights no matter if you are married or not. It still makes a HUGHE diffrnce leagly in many worste case scenarios. Not just divorece, I mean medical imergency, retiremnet, accidents, insurance, childfare, taxes etc. And my husnand imidiatly saied yes of cours he would marry me. He ven took my name. Even if both ppl want kids, the kids are fully planed, even wished for for a long time of trying for a baby, its super hard on a relationship. Even if both have a tone of expirience with kids its hard and you are never prepared for it. Its something that needs 200% commitment longterm and with all possible worstcase scenarios in minde. Will you both want to do it if the child is sick, if one of you two opts out or gets sick, if financial straon cazches up, if you don't have time for sleep let alone sex or dates. He is 35! If he isen't sure he wants kids or not by now, he propably dosen't want kids and that is ok and you HAVE to move on! You are only 24, you have years of time ahead and your futur kids will thank you for picking a father who wanted them and diden't have to be talked in to it. He is rightfully hesitant cuz it is a BIG thing to agree to. The biggest thing possible. And I know it is hard but you can not let babyfever and hormons fog up your brain! Belive me, I worked 10 years in daycare centers and I met maaaany woman who regreted it and the sad part is, the kids who suffer from it had no choice. You can't mash your existing BF in to Dad shape cuz you see he could possibly be a good dad. Good dads are das who WANT kids. You have to oick a futur dad for your kids who wants to become one.

Huuuuge red flag! Why is its always "acidently" your kids towel and never yours???

WTF this stinks of pushing boundries to see how far and how long he can push it with your kids. I bet you once you'd make the next step and move in together all hell will break lose. Get away.

ADHD my ass. My husband has ADHD and I have ASD. It dosen't prevent anyone from understanding that they are making your life harder by not following your rules, it dosen't prevent anyone from being proactive and buying you more towels and taking them to theyr home where they can wash it!

Well since he is a Grandpa... he still got laied

We are a blended family of soon to be 5 with an income of about 75k. I work 10%, partner 100%. Its allright. Not luxurious but thats never been our goal anyways. So one car, no fancy vacations, not much room for savings, secondhand cloths and M-Buget and Denner. But tbh even if we had a bigger buget I'd still shop the same, I'd just out more towards saving.

Ummm... look at some C-section vidos my dued 😅 its not quit as horrible as you describe. Sone hisoitals even allow to let the mum pull the baby out with asistance. Still though, yes it sucks you miss your babies birth, but the womans choice and needs come bevore the fathers during labor. As did his needs with his arm, but he could have saied its ok my sister is here go home and take care of our kid who is propably worried abour her dad in the hospital. Instead he chose petty revenge and makes some mental gymnastics to jzstivie ut to himself.

This seems just like petty revenge on your side and you are dling a lot of mental gymnastics to justivie it to yourself. If you truly don't feel save with someone you have much bigger issues so yay to therapy. Also I daubt your wife felt she isen't save with you and you diden't say she saied that. She diden't want you to be there and was pissed at you keading up to the most scary event in her life for what ever reason including all the fear and hormons and the fact that its sonething you go through on your own as a woman even if you have your oartner next to you. Plus she apolgized avter and went back to normal. You never put it past you. And now you had the oportunity to do a imature payback move and you are making it even worse. If you truly diden't want her to be there you could also have told her its ok, go ahead and look avter our kid.

I think you might be a classic typ and all the lutfits but the last one on the right are either too clingy and tight or too unbalanced. Get some jeans that aren't skinny fitting and skirts that have structer too them but aren't skin tight nor too much fabric.

NTA, he is TA, but you both are pretty imature on letting this escalete this way. Take some time to cool of and get you shit togethere as parents and as a couple. He needs to understand his part in parenting and grow up realy fast and work on his communication and you need to work on your communication and reactive responding to the boy you picked to be your childrens dad. Cuz yes, thats boy talk here. You say you usualy don't react like that, that tells me that you usualy play nice. Well, thats not gonna cut it, cuz you are just gonna explode cuz his way of reacting is triggering af and it sucks. But while its triggering, you are holding the explosive. He needs to step up, but that is not gonna hapoen by dubbeling down on the fight.

FG or TR imo. I see petite bevore blance so no C. Not much vertical. No width no curve.

You allready look like a flowerfairy! I'd try some more etheral colorpalates. I think you would look absolutly amazing in lilac or dusky lavender.

Get a new girlfriend. I first thought yes if you saied it like that you are prooably TA. But with the story? No your girlfriend is a horrible person, the end. Your ex is your ex, but she is also the mother of your children and who ever becomes your new spous needs to understand that.

TW Pediatric practice from some years back, I never wanted to know this but:

Until 85 it was comon to not out newborns and young babies put under any anesthesia cuz it was belived they don't feelnpain yet. So they just gave them muscel relaxant and the like so they woulden't move. Horrible, if you think about this to long I get sick. I fealy don't understand how ppl belived this. I am very very glad I have children in 2024 and was born avter 1985.

If anyone could tell me its all not true I'll gladly try and ban that info out of my brain.

YTA... ppl cheat cuz they fellnout of love. He did know the truth but no child needs to know what theyr parents does in the bedroom! Your kid has no olace in your sexuality and 14 is still very young AND a freaqing tricky age! Relatiinshipnis EVERYTHING in that age. And you fucked that up. You are lyong yourself if you say "he deserves the truth" no man, he deserves to be oblivious to his parents sexlife!

Rapunzel comes from Rapunzeln and thats a old comon name for Valerianella locusta. It dosen't look very sugestive to me. But you could argue the tower is phalic and the tale starts with a woman who has pregnancy issues and needs the rapunzeln to keep the baby.

there is the Rampion flower its also called Rapunzel-Glockenblume.

And once pregnant, 1 in 4 fail bevore 12 weeks. Its so "normal" doctors don't even bat an eye and kind of expect it. My gyno called it natures screening process and first trimester is all or nothing. Its super rough to go through this! I send virtual hugs ❤️ Trying to become pregnant for 1.5 years avter I lost my 1. Was the most miserable and chalanging time for me and my husband.