Minecraft IS NOT childish. However... If you do Minecraft what will you do different than anyone else? I've seen some headstrong people do Minecraft and do really beautifully edited videos with stories and go no where. So many Minecraft channels, you have A LOT of competition. Same reason why I see so many New Call of Duty and Battle Royale creators go no where. I used to do Call of Duty and Battlefield, Followed trends, etc. However, myself and many others figured out NOT doing the high competition games gave us a better chance to stand out.

If you do gaming, first off... Gaming is one of the lower paid ones. I monetized my channel only 9 months of doing low competition games. It is more than just recording gameplay. Needs to be a reason for someone to watch. Doesn't hurt to try, but don't have high expectations. Just do you best and hope for the best.

Do not click "end stream" in youtube studio. Leave that alone. if you goto OBS and stop the stream there and restart it then OBS will re-establish connection to the YouTube Stream and you can continue.

Its normal. Something the algorithm finds your audience correctly and sometimes it doesn't find shit.

I agree. Start citizen is a great concept but it’s a hot mess they’ll never finish it

You’re stressing yourself out for no reason. Trump was president for 4 years and the world didn’t end it’ll be the same if he gets a second time just like Biden is now president and the world didn’t end (granted we are instigating a lot more war) but we are alive still.

Point being, the president hasn’t really “run” the country since Eisenhower if you think about it. It’s all run by a shadow government telling whoever is in charge what to do (military industrial complex) which is why we have been in a constant state of war and policing the world for decades. Every new president falls in line or risk ending up like JFK.

Best you can do is go out and vote based on your beliefs whatever that may be. Sometimes there is a good choice to pick sometimes there is lesser of two evils.

As for the Felony and still able to run for president, any non violent felon can and always has been able to run for president as long as they have been over 35 and natural born citizen. I don’t know why anyone in their right mind thought this trial with Trump would prevent him From running. Plenty of write in candidates run from prison all the time and with technology being accessible in some prisons they can run a digital campaign from behind bars. All this did was keep his name in the news and drum up more support from people who can relate to his situation which is going to backfire on the prosecution side.

We are not an absolute democracy, we are a Democratic Representative Republic. As long a nobody repeals any Amendment in our constitution/bill of rights then you don’t have to worry about the country turning into a dictatorship. To remove an amendment of our rights it would require invoking Article 5 of the US Constitution which mean it would require 2/3 of both house and senate to agree on the change which then must be ratified by no less than 3/4 of all the States. When does everyone agree exactly? Almost never, that’s the beauty of diversity. So many different cultures, people and beliefs under one roof.

So all this bullshit on the left and the right from politicians pointing to one side or the other to drum up their base for fear of taking your rights away is garbage as you can see how hard that would be. It’s just talking points. If they (Congress) tried to remove amendments illegally or find an illegitimate way to suspend the constitution you can bet there would be an uprising and second civil war. Chances of that happening is nada.

Turn off your TV, put your phone down and touch grass. All these news stations use scare tactics to get the public worked up on one side or the other.

If you want something similar in a way to original battlefield try Squad

Just like SpaceBourne2, gonna be putting StarCitizen to shame

I have had my gaming channel almost 2 years now and yes I am monetized, I did that In 9 months. I don’t play with all the big fish play and I do not do “let’s plays”. I’ve come to enjoy doing role plays if I do any let’s play videos or I collaborate with others and do my usual shenanigans.

I’m consistently talking throughout my videos either with the people I’m playing with, with the chat during livestreams or with the NPC’s if I’m playing by myself because it’s more entertaining and I find it fun and funny. With my stuff I try to do what’s called “trim the fat” with my edited videos. Everything that is boring that doesn’t keep even my attention I cut out or if it doesn’t fit with the narrative of the video. Link to mine is on my profile. You can scroll through and see my average views, usually depends on what I play. Just because someone subscribes to you for playing Minecraft doesn’t mean they’ll watch your no man’s sky for example. Your subscribers and non subscribers will watch your content based on if it’s something they want to watch.

One thing I came to terms with was, make content your audience wants to watch. Not what you want to make.

Then there is the MatPat route which I follow. 1 video for me that I want to make, 1 for the audience, and 1 for the algorithm. (Yes audience and algorithm are not the same. As a newer channel the algorithm takes forever to find your audience.)

My guides and livestreams I do for my audience. My roleplay videos I do for myself as they are niche specific. My new game coverage is for the algorithm.

Started watching your cuphead video. It’s a let’s play which is fine but everyone does let’s plays. Find a way to stand out, for me I switched to doing guides and role play for my longform and my livestreams are collaborative with audience members of my community or other creators where I usually do shenanigans of wrecking things or we decide the point of the livestream before hand and do those specific tasks and do chapters post stream for audience easy viewing. You are on the right track with indie games.

Doing games that the big fish do like Minecraft/call of duty/fortnite etc won’t grow your channel unless you really know how to stand out

No idea. Don’t know your channel and it’s not even linked to your Reddit profile. Mine is linked to all of my social profiles. You should do the same (Facebook/twitter/instagram,etc)

You’re making it harder to be discovered

As long as you keep things interesting, engage with the audience whether there is one or not you don’t need to be flashy. I got monetized as a gaming channel in 9 months just doing my normal shenanigans I always have done or role playing. I grow little by little every day. July will be 2 years for me making content and currently I’m sitting at 1509 subscribers and I get a decent amount of views per video and livestream.

I run my channel all while working my 6am-330pm job and I do all that while having a wife and 3 kids. Trick is time and sleep management for me. I work on it nights and weekends. I run a gaming channel, I would game regardless if I was running a channel or not, I just record it or livestream it and make it more interesting because I do not do let’s play content. More of a comedic shenanigans or commentary type with myself and others. It can be tough but the real question is, how dedicated you ready to be? I prioritize my wife and kids which is why I don’t touch my content until everyone is in bed sleeping.

That’s fucked up. He deserves a murder conviction for that. Doesn’t matter how many warrants the guy had, you don’t ram a fucking vehicle into someone.

Everyone cares. I don’t care about making the best possible video ever, I just care that my audience is entertained. That’s is all that matters to me. If I can make someone’s day better by making them smile or laugh, I’m good.

When I get messages and comments telling me they appreciate what I do it always makes me feel good. I do a lot of different stuff tho, but I do everything myself because I Is Poor but I Is Havn Fuuuuun

Both political parties have done that. We keep paying more and yet here we are, nothing gets done.

No to mention when the state gets a budget for fixing roads they tear up the road they just fixed and redo it again, meanwhile other roads that desperately need repair or to be redone gets ignored. I call political incompetence

Empyrion Galactic Survival, Far Cry 5, Stellaris and Call of Duty(2003) & CoD: United Offensive (2004)

In the base game I don’t think there is a way to increase warp distance. Have not spent enough time in non-modded versions to know.

In ReforgedEden mod you can upgrade the standard warp drive for CV to an Advanced Warp drive to get you from like 30LY to 50LY distance. Then you can collect 50 of the I believe it is navigation data and thurn them into UCH research vessel to increase your warp distance. You can also take the engineer class question to increase your warp distance and you’ll end up at like 170-180LY warp distance on that advanced warp drive after that. Then when you gather the materials and unlock the antimatter warp drive you’ll get like 300+ LY distance

Let’s see… from 2016-2020 I had 2 more kids added to the family. That made us 3 kids for my wife and I. My wife sometimes worked part time for for the most part my income could pay for everything. Paid off our credit card and everything. Here we are in 2024, everything we saved up by 2020 is all but spent, prices for everything is through the roof, my credit card is almost maxed out, living mainly off peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for the last 6 months, scrounged enough money to send my wife to a two week class to get her CNA so she can no work full time with me on opposite shifts and this entire time I have made $25 an hour and was able to pay for everything until all these prices tripled over the last 4 years. We live below our means all the time and the only thing we have going for us is we just paid our house off so the money we would’ve save for that is now going into fixing our vehicles because we can’t afford anything new or used on the market which is why I never got rid of an old vehicle in the past even when I upgraded. My wife’s Chevy traverse needs a $3000 repair to get it back on the road and it’s our newest vehicle (2012) so that’s parked until further notice. Meanwhile my 2008 Chevy Aveo is held together by two hands keeping it going and my wife is driving her 2002 Chevy truck rust bucket that seems to be more reliable than her 2012 POS… my 1995 Oldsmobile is the only reliable vehicle we have. None of these vehicles are worth anything if you go to trade them in yet the dealer would turn around and sell each one for like $10k each if you did. Barely making it on this burning house looking for a fire hose and an escape route. Oh and credit card is almost maxed again because gotta keep butting heads with Murphy’s law.

My troubles have seen better days. And what is most sad about this… I KNOW someone else out there has it even worse than I do and that shit hurts my soul. Americans need a lifeline, BAD…

Bad company 1 & 2 was good. BF3/4 and Bf1 were great campaigns in my opinion. I did enjoy Hardline campaign, was… interesting and different. However can’t say the same about the multiplayer.