You may be hypersensitive, because as I understand, it's not typical to feel for ex. every seam on your jeans after 8 hours at work, I'm told!

Could you do mine after? The trash bins really needs a sweep and a thorough wash

Yeah, it needs a few accomodations, like keeping wires, laces and clothes off the floor. It gives me the motivation I need to clear up stuff so it's perfect. It would probably also be worth it for you to get a smarter (and more expensive) one WITH dumping/refill station. The latter is on my immediate shopping priority at the moment

Most people's bodies get so used to sensory input on the skin that it's not unlikely that they didn't feel it. Especially since that bandaid seems like a second skin, not stretched, not on a joint, not wrinckled etc

Jeg også. Samme året som jeg bestemte meg for at jeg var dritlei forsøk på kjærligheten så traff jeg verdens beste. Tror det har mye med utstrålingen man har når man er fornøyd med det man har. Det lyser av en at man ikke trenger noe mer enn selv selv og det er kanskje mer genuint og attraktivt. Folk blir mer kjent med deg enn den du prøverå være hvis du er desperat etter selskap

Wow, I have a game called Green Hell based in the Amazonian jungle and you can hear this sound everywhere. Always thought it was a bird

Unless you are one of those "I think I coul beat a bear" people, I suggest you think about this a bit more then. And yes, what you're writing is a bit sexist. Which of the things I mentioned doesn't take effort??

This is so not true. Being a male lion is just as hard as being a female. Male youngsters must kill their fathers or get cast out. They patrole and mark and roar warnings for days in immense territories (like this one is probably have just done), fight off massive and plentifull challengers and enemies (like fiesty hyenas), they join in on difficult hunts, they play with and teach their cubs, they mate with a high number of females many a time during an intense mating season and many of them die early on and alone without finding a pride. I highly recommend you watch this fantastic documantary on a record breaking number of males in a pride

Okay, but none of those disabilities under the umbrella in those pictures have "reduced intelligence" as one of the symptoms either. So can you give an example?

Edit: Nevermind! My mistake. intellectual disability IS like Forrest Gump. It's a neurodevelopmental disorder though. Is that the same as neurodiversity though?

You are allowed to feel like it sucks. Reality is that many parents feel that guilt too. But it's not as high as the guilt they would feel if they neglected their kids though. Which is why it sucks in general. You are allowed to feel sad about it. All you can do is work around it by supplementing the role they previously had by being with other people or getting new hobbies, and maybe find each other again as nearly "full time friends" again as the kids don't need as much from them. Growing together and not apart. You probably change a lot too even if you don't have kids.

It's not necessarily that they don't care as much anymore, but that there is now something that has surpassed it immensely. If they must do hard prioritizing because of lack of time, energy or resources, you can bet that they will choose their kids. And many such hard priorities come up more often than I thought before I had kids. I know it must suck. There is a fine balance between not caring as a friend and being a bad friend though. All you can do is to do what is best for you. If that is reducing the effort towards them, then do that. And if you find each other as good friends after the kids are older then that's a bonus. Life's phases are a way bigger factor in "growing apart" than age or distance. It's a sad fact of life. I've managed to keep my child free best friend through it, but only because she is one of a few and because I don't have 5 kids.

I feel lke they are the same type of people as those "Oh, but you're young. You don't have anything to complain about until you're old like me"

Nothing is as important as your kids, as it should be. Even some parents struggle with this shift as some parents become jealous of the other parent putting their kid over them

Three year olds are basically just emotionally immature adults. They are capable of most things a normal adult can do. The only thing they lack is experience. Of which this three year old unfortunately had plenty... :(

Leit at du har det vanskelig med selvfølelsen, full sympati til deg.

Jeg har erfaring med å både ha lav selvtillit/ selvverdsfølelse og erfaring med å komme meg ut av det. Jeg anbefaler sterkt å sette i gang med kognitiv terapi, enten i kurs, grupper, forum eller selvhjelpsbøker. Bare å google i vei! Det handler ikke om noe annet enn å lære seg å tenke sunt og på en måte som gagner din egen mentale helse. Det er det viktigste jeg har gjort i mitt liv og mitt liv har blitt uendelig mye bedre på grunn av det. Klarer du å jobbe med dette så vil utrolig mange andre faktorer komme lettere av seg selv! Husk at du må være din egen beste venn og at du faktisk er det viktigste i ditt eget liv, særlig om du har folk som er avhengig av din omsorg. Heier på deg!

He may be mildly autistic but he has a pretty severe intellectual disability imo. Low IQ is not a part of autistic/ADHD symptoms, although you can be both. Even people with major autism can be very smart, as with all other people. It has nothing to do with autism/ADHD in itself as far as I know.

That's what she said. But seriously, this movie deserve a clarification for the uneducated:

"You got into Harvard law?!"

"What? Like it's hard?"

Have you seen the others? How to train your dragon is up there amongst the world's best trilogies imo

Vet ikke hvorfor du blir downvota for du har antagelig dessverre helt rett. Det er nok både ventetid, mangel på tidsnok diagnose og mangel på god nok behandling som har vært spikeren i kista for altfor mange. Vi har ikke godt nok offentlig helsevesen til å behandle så mange flere enn "de sykeste", noe som ikke snur trenden i det hele tatt. Men jeg vil ikke ha et kapitalistisk system, for der er det enda verre så håper politikerene og domsstolene får fikset opp

I gotta get off this thread. My parents are wonderful and I can't handle the myriad of abuse being told in these comments. The worst I've ever felt as a parent was when I grabbed my toddler too hard in the arm to keep her from tantrum slamming her head into a table leg or when I carried her screaming into her room to keep myself from shouting...