Ohhh I hurt for you precious… your facial symmetry is outstanding… your eyes are electric… but, run to the dermatologist as fast as you can before that acne scars more than your face…. Emma Kate… you’re a Barbie in the making… got claim it doll-bug!!

Find your style baby girl… and when you do, you’re going to rock it!!! Super cute..

Naturally stunning…. Don’t EVER change!!!

Not a smile to be had in any of the pictures…. You project too much negative energy with the RBF… you’re better than that… you’re gorgeous 8-8.5… quit comparing yourself to others and set the standard yourself…

I’m counting on you to snap out of this!!!😘

I’ll say this. It definitely carries a negative vibe, but if I were the groom… and discovered that your wedding dress was previously worn at your first wedding… I think that I would lose my mind…. Chuck it, along with its ghost and start a new… best of luck to you both🙏🏻

You look absolutely breathtaking!!! Best of luck to you both!

WOWWWWWW!!!! 9-9.5….. pardon me while I stare 🤣🤣 don’t EVER change!!!

Pay a visit to the records division at your local law enforcement agency and ask for a copy of any reports for that address that involves death (murder, suicide, etc…) they’ll charge you a couple of bucks and hopefully that will answer any questions that you have…. If there are no reports on file, buy some luminol, and a black light flashlight, spray it on the darkened areas, shine the light on the areas you sprayed, and if it glows, it’s definitely blood…. If it is blood, video it with your phone because the chemical reaction only lasts about 30 minutes depending upon humidity.. then have law enforcement respond. Good luck!

No way that’s real!!!But, if it ISSSSS…. Dayummmmmm!!!!🤣

Ummmmmm… I can’t do it… they’re watching me too closely…. Don’t need another ban!!🤣🤣🤣

Look, it’s a stressful period leading up to one of the most special days of your life… everything has to be (and should be) perfect…. And I think you look amazing in THAT dress…. Take a breath, it’s perfect!

If I may…. Only a portion of your pain is visible…. The rest is seeping slowly through your system, poisoning your view of your life and yourself… Today, it’s time to take your life back… no fear, no worry, DO IT! You’re not inferior… you are SUPERIOR!!!! Start by smiling more… I guarantee that a smile on that gorgeous face will attract the positive energy that you need to fuel your journey back to being confident, independent, and happy! Peace be with you🙏🏻

No thanks needed… truth is always free…

There’s not a thing wrong with your nose… such an outstandingly strong jawline, beautiful lips, and a perfect nose…

There is NEVER a good reason for bullying, or to tolerate it…. You look spectacularly amazing….

Novice -1

Nope… just trying save a few lost ones

You hit it out of the park girl… truly an amazing difference…Keep it up😁

Helll yeahhhhh!!!! Clearly reckless abandonment… count me in!!!! however, I might would choose a place where kids 12 and under eat free…. KFC is high as hell!!!🤣 maybe after dinner, “hit” the ole arcade and toss the hotdog down the hallway😘🤣🤣

Even sideways you’re adorable…🤣 clean out the backseat at you earliest convenience…😘