I think that would be subjective to the person whether they want to live in an area with a higher population, I would even argue this isn’t a suburban area, that would imply we are just outside an urban area, the closest major cities are DC and Baltimore at an hour and a half by car. The development is only happening because the middle class has been decimated since the 90s and folks are fleeing cities in droves to get away from crime, high taxes, nuts to butts crowding, pollution, overdevelopment, homelessness and vagrancy and the list could continue. I don’t blame them, but inundating a community that isn’t prepared for the influx of people, cars, housing requirements, with a lack of real public transportation is creating a mess. Try getting to 81 in the most direct route during rush hour. Apple Harvest drive becomes a parking lot because they jammed two shopping centers right off the highway and did Jack all to relieve the traffic pressure. They just added another light for the off-ramp at 81 northbound and expected that to alleviate the problem. I don’t begrudge people moving around and making a good life for their families, but folks shouldn’t be surprised when other people who avoided all that mess to begin with start getting worried that their hometown is going to turn into one of the places people are fleeing from, there will always been opposing sides to things like this. Poor infrastructure and no solutions to that problem will only exacerbate the divide between locals and transplants.

I think because it took pristine farm land that people drove by every day and made it disgusting. You pop the hill by the church and it’s just acres and acres of solar panels. I’m sure the owners sold it and made a good penny and that’s their absolute right, but lots of people who live here do so because they love nature and the greenery. The world here is changing and lots of people who chose to live here and stay here are now faced with the fact that place they chose to live for whatever reason that is (nature, politics, community etc) are watching their communities change. Places people have lived for decades are unrecognizable, and not everyone likes those changes. Not to mention WV has been and continues to be the butt of many jokes. It’s people are fairly despised. I travel pretty extensively and the first thing anyone asks me when I tell them where I am from is if we bang our own sisters or have all our teeth….yet those same people want to come here for the low cost of living and it negatively impacts alot of folks. I personally don’t care about the stereotypes because my cousin and I just make out a bit and I bought new teeth (for those who are slower this is a joke), But I wholeheartedly understand the displeasure many people feel for having to accept these changes in such a short time frame. Not everyone welcomes perceived “progress” the way people who grew up or live in more urban environments.

It’s on old 9 between Bardane and Leetown road

You aren’t kidding, traffic is miserable now, schools are overcrowded and underfunded, GC’s throwing up garbage houses as fast as they can and charging outrages prices for folks to migrate up here thinking they are getting a deal only to find their foundations sinking and walls cracking in a year, prices of utilities will be jumping up soon because they are gonna need to pay for the additional infrastructure that doesn’t exist yet. I’ve found several new neighbors who absolutely abhor us locals which makes me laugh considering you could go anywhere and you chose a place full of people you hate. On the plus side my property value has gone up 150%, downside is my taxes has gone up. That’s not saying everyone moving here has a negative attitude towards locals, as I’ve found some really nice transplants as well. I honestly figure it’s a clash of cultures that the rural population will lose eventually because locals can’t afford to stay here and work as the job market is garbage and they can’t compete with 6 figure earners coming out of the city working remote. I’m just hanging on long enough to sell my property to some young urban professional for 20 times what it’s worth but at least the foundation is solid and the walls aren’t cracked.

I always check “downdetector” before I do anything else.

Casey Anthony is doing standup? Bet she kills..

No it’s for when your sick, you put a cut onion in your socks and go to bed and wake up feeling better…that’s the tale anyways

I run on old wives tales…..wait till I tell you about onions in your sock while you sleep

Throw a couple pinches of Sugar in to cut the acidity down on the sauce, always helps me.

Bobbies World was cool though…

It’s one of my favorite episodes. I’ll randomly blurt out “Ric Flair sucks” in my best Louis Gomez voice at least once a week still.

I live 20 minutes from Hagerstown. Can confirm Hagerstown is full of Lizard People.

Hell yeah, I just gotta “make it sexy, hips and nips or otherwise I ain’t eatin”

Man, didn’t see it, made a bird law reference…got sad and deleted mine because I was late to the party…

Really thought you would have gone with “intergalactic” lol

It’s quickly become one of my favorite episodes, seemed like a nice fella who really appreciated the love he was shown.

We had an older teachers aide we called Mile Away Mary in school because you could smell her a mile away…

Preach it, WV is awesome in the fall, but the minute the No see’ums start buzzing around and up my nose I’ll just stay inside out of the humidity.

Yeah I like Falcon, feels like a guy my age talking

Monkey in Space

Well I’m going to go down a rabbit hole now….cool fact though for sure dude!

There’s a podcast for just about every Niche, pick something you’re interested in and go to your preferred streaming service. I use Spotify for podcasts because they have video and I enjoy watching expressions when I can. Then just search for the thing you wanted to listen about. May be a one off episode or may be a whole podcast devoted to the topic like true crime.

I’ve been known to just start chanting it at various ladies 🤣🤣

And we all know pee is stored in the balls