Fast Car Tracy Chapman.... So mundane, so common, and so relatable.

When your child is getting diagnosed and it kind of comes full circle. Like ... Oh damn.

I all the time inappropriately touch myself. Not even like my butt, but like pick my ears or my skin on my arm or something totally abnormal.

I mean... Maybe... This appears to be on the door side, so it's not sure likely that it like running down the back of the wall or something. But it's entirely possible that it's down the front of the tub and in the drywall. I which cas it is an easy breezy fix to jnust cut away that part of the drywall and repair... But you really don't know what you have until you can see it in person. Mold remediation is really only necessary for out of control airborne mold. . At least from this picture it doesn't look like an out of control situation but ... Could be.

Mold in and around the caulking. Really the caulking needs to be pulled out and replaced for a true fix. More than a cleaning issue. More of a handyman job.

I can't use them anymore. Google calendar is superior.

Alarms are annoying as hell, but they have been helpful for me. But yes, remembering ahead of time is helpful. Daily things I automate, like my morning alarm, when to pick up the kids etc...but even through the getting ready for school we all have ADHD we have different alarms that things should be done by.... Dressed by this alarm, teeth brushed and (hair did etc) by the next alarm, breakfast... And so forth because my kids would just not do anything until it was time to go. And I automate it ... They go off every 6-7 minutes with different alarm sounds... It's crazy annoying. But it helps all of us keep track of time.

Forgot the planner. Lost the planner. Planner has too many options. Not enough options. I drew a hippo on February 2, and every one knows it is ground hog day and now I am on Amazon looking for the right sized ground hog sticker to cover up said hippo, but it only comes in a pack of 500 stickers... But it's only $5 so why not... 5 HOURS of research later and 500 useless stickers I forgot why I bought.... I end up doodling the entirety of February in the 2 day Prime wait. When they arrive they go in a draw with my embarrassment of a planner...into my shame vault.

I read signs unconsciously out loud. I am not always even aware of it. And usually with enthusiasm or sarcasm or something silly.


No parking.

Meineke Mufflers

Save big money at Menards...

I'm not a trump fan, but saying Trump is having cognitive decline is laughable compared to the babysitting crap Biden administration has been seen doing... Because of Biden's cognitive decline.

I probably did as a kid... But I was in a bad situation and y was afraid to actually be myself.

Learning that I had ADHD. I wasn't lazy. Learning how to work with my brain and not against it.

That sometimes I get overwhelmed or overloaded emotionally and I need a nap and a snack even if there's a million things that need to be done.

Time myself on my phone. I can't regulate my time well and can easily waste hours without realizing it. Then I feel guilty and ashamed and beat myself up... Get worked up about how awful of a per I am and then I get overwhelmed, and as a force of bad habit get back on my phone... Repeat. Recognizing the cycle was good for me to learn to set boundaries with myself.


No. I feel like if I need to take care of my business, he's just interested in my business ...

Plus like we don't have a glamorous shower or anything it's just like a normal tub with a shower so there's not a ton of space, someone is always cold... I'd like to shave, or clean something privately... It's just awkward to be honest.

I don't think he'd mind though ...

My son was using hand lotion for shampoo for over a week when I accused him of not washing his hair he showed me what he was using...he was like, here it says Jergans!...body lo..tion...

Not urgent, not important, not necessary.... Yeah that's the task I'll work on