I sure paid a lot more than that in 1980s money.
Making 3.35 / hr.
I need to get a pair - lose some weight, and then dig out my 'What would Dick do' shirt.

I'm gonna get flamed - but some flirting is just banter.
It's not indicative that someone is actually interested in dating or pursuing a relationship.
Add to that - some people who are actually looking (which you shouldn't be - that'll just happen) mistake friendly chatting for flirting.

Context - we specifically aren't talking about people in their 20s.

Can be literal too....
The main idea came about as travelling without checked bags though.
I have my carry-on and a sling I use for travel papers, etc., when traveling and as a day bag when out and about at the destination.

Well, you should always chock your wheels.
If you do that and jack properly - I don't see any issues with that incline.
My driveway is on a hill that makes yours look flat.


Thank you for engaging in discourse and not mud-slinging and name-calling.

Sure - nurture plays a part in it.
However, there are differences in the effect of hormones that have natural differences in the sexes - those effects are biological. Those same traits are exhibited in the animal kingdom at large and have been studied at length. While not universal, I don't think you can just discount that body of work out of hand. Of course, individuals differ in a population, and societal pressures play a role.
I do not think it is inevitable that all members of a cohort adhere to the mean - it's not unchangeable programming, but it does play a role.
I agree there are human traits - but I also believe there are traits that are more pronounced between the sexes.

We can all be wrong - in fact, I knew everything there was to know at 16 - been getting 'dumber' since :)

I am the single father of a very independent daughter. I have taught her to be self-reliant and to not judge others as nobody can know the struggles of someone else. I have also taught her that people are individuals for the same reasons.

All that to say I'm not some caveman mysoginist - but I do recognize that there are differences - and wouldn't the world be boring if we were all the same.

That is what my experience has been.
The context of any of my comments here is that of the original post - a woman in her late 40s.

I have no experience with these - but I would expect that if you had those ice packs, maybe a towel in the bottom to keep condensation under control, etc. - this would at least extend the life of the ice packs. Again, could be entirely wrong.

Well, indicating that you have an issue and saying you don't know WTF you are gonna do is kinda soliciting advice. Her issue has to do with retirement savings (money/security).
One of those suggestions (in this post - not me) - was to find a stable guy.

Evolutionarily speaking, males are biologically bent towards producing offspring (numbers) - not necessarily sticking around to raise them. Females tend (more than males) to look for security as they are generally more in the role of caregiver. Men tend to be more visual and women tend to place more emphasis on emotional factors. Of course, society, age, etc. all weigh on this - and there are exceptions. Study after study, and poll after poll bear this out as the broader trend.

While I'm not married to her anymore, she was a very intelligent lady. She had a degree in psychology at least.

Generally, one bag means not checking anything.

What is your experience - again, context - dating in your late 40s?

What from my post leads you to believe I don't leave the house?
If I'm not working or sleeping - I'm out and about doing something.
Curious - because that is the context here - what is your experience dating in your late 40s?

So not agreeing with you on one thing automatically equals 'not nice' ... gotcha.

I have heard of Andrew Tate in the news - beyond that - no clue what you are talking about.
However, I was married to a trained counselor -
And we aren't talking 20 yo - the context of this post is a woman who is 49, with no savings. She's looking for security.

It's not always a good thing to drag people of advanced years into the details of reality unless it serves their personal interest.

Embarrassed? I was damn proud of my 4 wheels...
Worked on it every single week - learned a lot about cars by doing.
I learned to check things like oil, tire pressure, etc., because if I didn't, I wouldn't have a car very long.
It had it's quirks, but it was reliable because I took great care of it.

Yeah - but in the context of OPs post - older women - they tend to take stability (money) into account more than they did when they were younger.

Well - unless I'm working or sleeping, I'm generally out and about.
Not sure why observations indicate that I'm not??


Yet again - didn't say it was an absolute law of the universe. Said it wasn't 'a lot'.
I have been up/down - had what I would say were 'hot' girlfriends - but that doesn't make it an observation of the whole. It happens more when you are younger. But in the context of OPs post (a 49 yo woman) - that goes down a bit. We aren't talking about hormonal 20-somethings here.

Great - you beat the odds -
How does your personal experience represent the whole? Or is it anecdotal?
Pretty sure I didn't say anything absolute - just not 'a lot'.


It's got a 7800 mAh battery - the specs say it can last anywhere between 7 and 32 hours on a charge - which seems about right. It has a timer too - which helps. Best little fan I've ever found when space/weight is an issue.