The only way to be certain that you won’t be too full for desert!

“Some chefs like to carry around a clipboard and hangout in offices. Some chefs like to work with their crew. The more hours spent cooking, the more likely you’re going to get burned”. - Chef Murphy

Jesus Christ…you are not the asshole. My kid got sick of pb&j but started liking pb&honey. Peanut butter is a life saver for those of us who can eat it.

You could sub other tangy fruits and veggies. I’m just guessing that you need them for a burger or sandwich? If that’s the case there’re other options such as marinated peppers, pickled onions, giardiniera. I feel like the guest will be happier knowing that you’re doing things seasonally. If tomatoes are a must, look for hot house tomatoes. Happy cooking!

We don’t have fresh tomatoes on our menu for half of the year.

you could do a catholic guns n’ roses cover band called nuns n’ robeses

Once opened for them. He was one of the only members of any band on the bill that came up to me and said how much he liked our stuff. very cool dude, RIP

good to hear! thanks for the listen. I have one track on spotify. I’m working on releasing tracks on soundcloud, then a more polished full length on all platforms.

It was a busy night. Full rail, and then some. This guy walks down the line, says “behind you”, grabs a working sauté pan, gives it a couple of tosses (expertly). Continues down the line and out the door. I turn around and shout “who the fuck was that”?? The fry cook says “dude wasn’t wearing any shoes”! Cooking is weird sometimes.

thanks for checking it out. i’m so excited to see what you come up with!

Hey there, it would be very cool to see what you come up with. I want to collaborate with a visual artist at some point. Thanks for doing this! ✌️

I say “on fire” for active tickets and “in the back” or “holding” for called inactive tickets

The bass solo might be the highlight of the entire album.