Hi I’m 49 & just getting into again last did it in my teenage years my wife probably thinks it’s a mid life crisis could you possibly do 2 days away by yourself at all? I can suggest fb groups & some YouTuber’s to look up there in mid to late 40’s they suggest equipment from budget to expensive plus they record there hikes honestly they’re really funny at times 😊I’m honestly thinking maybe the stress of organising everything maybe has got to you so definitely if possible say 2 days by yourself might help

Yes best response to whole subject each to there own if there happy & safe let them be I’ve met people with hundreds of pounds worth of gear on & people in just shorts & trainers treat them all the same respect brings respect end of the day your all ok there enjoying your own little moments of happiness 😊

There’s also some single hike/camping groups on fb maybe worth a look wish there was stuff like this few years back as married now & my wife & mates are so not into camping hiking so gave it up few years back but now wanting to get into it so yes I’m solo but the single hike groups aren’t aiming for me so I’m looking around & trying to find people into in hard as in 40’s now 😟

Probably a stupid question but please don’t rant at me asking genuine question

First time thinking of going camping in a long long time but my wife’s not into camping so will be going solo I understand camping community to be fairly safe & helping each other from posts I’ve seen on other social media just asking views on ok to leave tent on a campsite while off for a walk for a day just don’t want to carry around stove/clothes etc as long as no expensive gadgets laying about is this correct? Probably just being to cautious & overthinking things

Got a couple of tops etc from army surplus due to budget & thought they’ll be good & they certainly are 😊

Yes it’s like they think I’m making epilepsy up to get some benefits & will get worse as our prime minister has started to introduce a sick note culture to get people back to work as he says there’s to many people taking advantage of the system & sadly epilepsy is a hidden disability that’s massively misunderstood 😟

Im in the UK & classed as unable to work at mo & have to have health assessment interviews to see if I’m able to work or not just had one over the phone which is a nightmare as they can’t see my evidence letters & diary’s etc plus see my shaky hands etc due to meds they make you feel like a kid seeing the headmaster tend to talk down to me best question I’ve had is so what do I during a seizure I’m like I’m unconscious no idea but I can explain the after effects & see possibly what I’ve done bloke said no I want to know what you do I’m like unable to out of body experience so no idea! Now got to wait 6 weeks if I’m classed as able or unable to work if able my money goes down & must apply for around 10-20 jobs a week or they stop my money but hey they no my epilepsy & side effects better than me I suppose!! 😂😂

Cheers I’ve been looking on there for various kit etc as on a bit of a budget & all shops are crazy prices

Looking for add (sorry if daft question)

I’m just getting started out after many years away so making sure I’ve got equipment before i venture out & I’m looking for some good over waterproof trousers just incase our great weather changes as normal & I’ve discovered so many over past 2 weeks getting so confused & don’t want to throw money away on rubbish ones so asking for advice please 😊

Something I found out take pictures of plants on google lens & press on picture that’s the same it brings up names & care instructions plus it’s free 😊

Great first attempt even black pud try fried bread also next time

What’s the craziest fact you have heard about epilepsy?? Question

Craziest fact I discovered about how people with epilepsy are treated has to be in America restaurants could legally refuse to serve you if you had epilepsy until the 1970’s! 😳😳(unsure about other countries)

My most strange trigger can be the strong smell of paint like gloss so it’s a nightmare to decorate the house I normally get really bad headaches & can have seizures I never get warnings before a seizure but have noticed a increase around painting & them oh and I have to watch my salt intake as docs have noticed I’ve low sodium which increases my seizures 🤔

After 20yrs of having epilepsy I’ve had quite a few seizures while out I’ve been robbed & filmed nearly fell under a train & was arrested once during a complex partial the police once realised made me a coffee & full of apologies & took me to hospital oh plus wet myself while out which was a nightmare 😟I just carry a ID card & hope for the best honestly I’ve now developed a sod it if it happens attitude now but it took a while to get to this point. Good luck with everything 😊

Been living in the North East now for 15yrs & it’s not sure it’s a northern thing chips cheese & gravy but chips & gravy yes

Apparently there’s major problems with asbestos in the building opposite so people were saying on of the fb heritage groups

Originally from Southampton now in the north east in a labour stronghold seat & labour has neglected the area for years they built a new council office building at a cost of £50 million this was very despite strong public opposition & protests they never used it & sold it to the university honestly labour are as just as bad I have voted labour but living up here & seeing the lack of concern from councillors in both parish & county councils make me questions why 😟

Here’s more info on some good sites by our brilliant journalist & amazing paper! 😉😂 https://www.dailyecho.co.uk/news/23699346.southampton-dogging-hotspots-located-around-city/