So who has the worst makeup of the cast? I want her to say names

Damn did Gaga just get friendzoned on Twitter?

She was waving her arm around idk why people are acting like she threw a rock at it or something.

Sh*rey Pie was a “comedy queen” that was supposed to win season 12, and tbh there haven’t really been any viable options of that style since then. I would argue Willow is a comedy queen. I think the idea of what that means is evolving past the old school archetype.

Right? It’s like a white person saying colored is less offensive than black, or claiming retard is less offensive than… whatever is the proper term now. What a strange opinion to have.

If it’s not a joke what is it? A faithful retelling of a true story?

To be fair, this is a pretty lame joke so maybe they just thought there was more to it.

I just rewatched coven and I don’t see how Zoe SA’d him. If anything perhaps Madison did, but Zoe took things slow with him and waited for him to offer his hand before even engaging in anything sexual with him. Of course someone of his intellect in real life could reasonably be considered incapable of giving proper consent, but I think that’s reading the plot/characters too literally.

For me it’s the woman’s legs. The rest of the figures have good anatomy and shading so the stiffness and lack of proper shading on the right leg (her left) in particular look off. I feel like some shading on the bottom of that thigh would go a long way. It’s so empty. Hope this makes any kind of sense.

As long as she keeps doing (mostly) monthly tangent videos I’m satisfied. I actually prefer the topics she picks for those to deep dives into twilight and JK Rowling. They are more reminiscent of her broader or more philosophical main channel videos.

Lmao today I learned it’s spelled gall. But the gif is so fitting, I feel validated in thinking it was gull.

Confused how so many people take the last comment to mean she doesn’t expect to pay in full. It is to me at least obvious she’s referring to the expecting free promo part as off putting, BECAUSE she paid for the work.

I wanted to not make this assumption but it is where my mind went. Maybe she’s just trying to promote him more because it appears from his recent spot on her podcast with Mik that they are friends, probably moreso than the working relationship she has with Canney.

Because he’s a grown man who can make his own decisions and bro code tends to caution against such things. He could’ve hooked up with anyone. And if it wasn’t a big deal, why did they keep it a secret? It just wouldn’t have been that hard for him to not hook up with this ONE person who he knew had chemistry with someone he claims as a best friend.

She must’ve smelled your weakness. I cannot imagine the gull of someone to try that shit.

No it’s not. That image is a reference to the same joke, that gay men walk fast. Part of it might be linked to being more likely to live in large cities where we walk everywhere rather than driving.

Agree. I don’t see anything else complained about more than VA. He was funny, he was iconic, and he didn’t overstay his welcome. He stayed just long enough for PC to have significant character growth and deliver laughs at the absurdity.

I really hope 90% of the podcast is drama and only 10% talking about the episode