Just google “nirvana official releases” or something, it’s a very short list and if it’s a live show it’s almost 100% chance it’s a bootleg, because only a handful of full live shows have been officially released.

I think the show is influenced by the games lore, but not bound by it. I think the show is it’s own universe, and we don’t need to nitpick every little detail as long as they get the feeling and spirit of the franchise. I think they are doing a fantastic job, and I’m not going to get all sweaty mad at little inconsistencies lol.

Lol, “gods brilliant design” was to specifically cause childbearing to be extra painful to punish stupid women for taking the fruit and giving it to Adam. Bunch of illiterate Bronze Age myth believing morons🙄🙄🤣🤣

She put all her points in “top” and zero whatsoever in “bottom”

What the fuck do you think I wrote genius? I was just being sarcastic because you were correcting someone’s wrong use of “there”….. imagine being this dumb lol

I thought there was a significant upgrade to image quality and frame rate. Even my wife, who typically doesn’t notice such things, said it was immediately noticeable and better looking. She even noticed the frame rate increase just by watching me play.

Parts of it are. What would you say if I said Reno was west of LA?

Gen X and boomers are extremely out of touch with reality. I say this as the last of Gen x, born 1980. These people got theirs and literally have zero perspective on the current state of housing costs. Most home owners, myself included, bought homes for 100-200K, with a sub 5% interest rate. Those same homes have now at least tripled in cost and interest rates are 6-8% on the low end. Meanwhile, wages have increased maybe 5% in the last 20 years. It’s wild.

You didn’t reply to anyone specifically

Good lord, we are truly beyond help at this point. People are so fucking stupid and media illiterate that there’s honestly not much hope left🙄

This is one of the main story points and backbones of the entire franchise….

What else would it be? You need confirmation? Lol

This looks like gas station food

NH, lol

Have you heard their “new” singles? Left over from the Chi Dem sessions reworked with slash and duff, “hard school”, “Absurd”, “Perhaps”, and “The General”…. All good shit imo. There’s another one that leaked but hasn’t been released yet called “Monsters” that’s great too!

I’ve always wanted a mobile waterbed!