It looks better before.

You remind me of all the sweetfx/reshade spam that clogs up sites like Nexusmods. They're not real mods, your "realism mod" is just over-sharpening to the point there are artifacts and over-saturating as if you're compensating for playing on a 20 year old monitor.

Keep in mind 32 bit images are essentially 24 bit, the last 8 bits are for alpha (transparency).

Unless you were dealing with a video with an alpha channel (highly unlikely), it's probably fine.

It's called Protecting my Devotion. Save your Valediction is what Beatrix says to Steiner during that scene, though it's also the title of an arranged version πŸ˜„

The only new tracks are the tantalus theme for the hideout, and one of the post-MSQ dungeons has a remix of Jesters Of The Moon (but no FF9 bosses)

My cheapo random supermarket one broke a few years back and I got another one, I decided to take the old one apart and see if I could find anything wrong with it inside.

I couldn't and just put it back together again, and funnily enough it's ran fine ever since. It's been years πŸ€”

You keep whoever's healing you from falling asleep

I'm in the UK but play on the Primal DC, at this point I'm used to getting hit by AOEs I'm not standing in any more. I don't even mean just barely escaping and it still hits me, sometimes I will step out and am halfway through casting my next spell and it still hits me.

Sometimes my corpse from fatal AOEs is over 30 feet away from them 🀣

I have about ~110ms latency to the primal DC, there is definitely something in their netcode that requires more than one round trip to register your position. Positional registration seems to be more like 700-1000, almost a full second. Or 10 times worse than it should be.

I've started stutter stepping (rapidly tapping directions) once I'm out of an AOE on my end to try to force the server to acknowledge that I'm not in it (assuming this rapidly sends "I am HERE!" packets when you stop moving), but I'm not sure it really helps.

I have funny screenshots of me dying miles away from AOEs or walking right through alternating damage AOEs unharmed, because I know the server will position me where I was last week instead of where I actually am minus my 110ms latency. Bardem's mettle with NPCs was virtually impossible, I had to learn the patterns and walk through obvious damage to stay safe. It looked ridiculous on my end but at least the server finally accepted it.

Just be thankful Square isn't trying to make an FPS game with this engine/netcode, it would be impossible πŸ’€

Xiaomi Redmi Note 9S

Defending features being taken away from you is bizarre

Xiaomi Redmi Note 9S

You're scared of a drive? How do you use a computer?

I've always gone for an SD slot, I manage just fine. It's so easy πŸ˜†

Xiaomi Redmi Note 9S

Both the SD slot and headphone jack are missing, DOA. I wouldn't use it even if it was free.

It's been going on a lot longer than that, I cringed at the 3070 launch when I saw it had only 8GB, like some budget 2016 $230 RX480 had πŸ’€

I mean Leto is a cult leader so that tracks. Was Joseph Seed also a pedophile though?

I quit after lightfall and the insulting, pretentious story and pseudo-mystery. Not explaining to the player what every other character seems to know isn't mysterious, it's just annoying and bad writing.

I haven't looked back. At first I thought I might come back for the final shape or at least just watch a campaign playthrough on youtube but at this point I'm not even going to do that. I just don't care. I don't trust bungie.

With this comment I'm unsunscribing from the sub.

The first time I saw a laptop with a piece of the screen missing and a notch instead I died laughing, and I don't use apple stuff so whenever I see a picture of one again I've forgotten about it and it's funny all over again

Foie Gras would make me vomit just from the pure cruelty

Also, cook the duck?

What is Shuttle Encoder? Are you trying to spell Shutter Encoder?

I think the funniest weakness is the inability to properly handle apostrophes in filenames, it's such a rookie thing to still have problems with 🀣

Still waiting for it to release πŸ₯±

Either DRK players suck more or the class is just weaker, as a healer I dread having to look after a DRK vs say a WAR.

You won't even get the campaigns. They deleted the original few campaigns (that set everything up, explain who everyone is, explain what's going on etc).

Even though people paid for them, they're just gone. And there's tons of seasonal story content you cannot play through. It too has just been deleted, even though people paid for it all.

Destiny 2 is the only game I'm aware of that does this. Play FF14 and you can play through all 10 years of content, nothing deleted.

As someone who left D2 for FF XIV, dungeon keys are hilarious. As is the anemic amount of content D2 has.


Of course it's going to work, nobody would use it if it didn't