Get some bondo you ll be fine, the rest of the car is held together by it anyway

“Allready forking down the dough for the preorder”

Keep the 335 les pauls are a bunch 335 s arent

Knows the Wiki

The amount of damages done to the surroundings and the included universities does not at all validate the means as to get them to do what you want. Again that is considered pressure and, an actual form of terrorism. Its actually even considdered extortion.

The means as to solve conflict historically lies in who is stronger or more ruthless or who has better politics. And that goes for everything in life.

In this case dialogue is in order. Motivating your answers by propper dialogue is key here. They will not bow down to simple vandalism. Whats next? Setting no fire to the building so nobody can study anymore? I am curious.

Should we allow the privileged ones to be punished? No we should not. Whats happening in the world now is horrible.. but this is not the only place the world is burning. We should mot fight eachother but be brothers in time of need and stick together. The negative attention will not get them to bow down at all. The answer lies in politics, motivation and dialogue.

Knows the Wiki

Well you are entitled to your own oppinion. But you still did not answer the question. Is it ok to vandalise something just because you feel like it?

And dont worry i know how a university works. My family did fight in world war 2 and my fiance is from the ukraine. I have both arabic and israeli friends. I know how the world works trust me. I ve been to war zones myself. And saw it first hand.

My friend, vandalism is never the answer. If any it only makes it worse. Its also a form of tirany we misuse to stress our point. Like terrorism is, you could compare it to that if you would like to use the world war 2 reference.

Mind you, please tell all of us that distruction of propperty for you is ok? Fair enough, then if someone disagrees with you and vandalises your home you have zero right to speak. Because you find vandalism ok.

Knows the Wiki

My comment is not about 1930-1945. Nor is it about any means of violence against anyone or anything. People teach and learn at the university. This country is not at war with anyone at the moment. Other nations are. By law this is still called vandalism.

If i am at all privileged, i am because i worked hard for that. Just like the people who are at war now. At some point and maybe still they did also work hard for eveything they had.

My comment still stands emagine your propperty being destroyed by people who disagree with you.

Knows the Wiki

Well… being politically motivated is still not an excuse to vandalise things, however bad things in the world get, emagine i vandalise your home because of my beliefs, same thing, would you be happy?

Knows the Wiki

Make them come back and clean it themselves

Flowers and grenade launchers, my man

Twee dagen ertussen is helaas twee keer een opichzelf staand feit. Helaas heb je pech.. uiteraard kan je in bezwaar gaan dat is je goed recht en dan mag je bij de rechter je zegje doen, maar je kan niet op “een moment” twee dezelfde boetes opgelegd krijgen. Nu zitten er een aantal dagen tussen. Dat kan wel.

Dit is misselijkmakend en er is nul maar dan ook nul excuus voor dit walgelijke gedrag. Ik hoop dat ze kunnen achterhalen wie dit geweest zijn en de schuldigen kunnen straffen.