She gets access, he most likely doesn’t. They kick their own fighters out of the arena after their fights.

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

100%. Alex is big enough to headline his own. The ufc isn’t gonna waste him on a ppv like that.

Yall acting like it would actually happen. The ufc doesn’t do that. Alex will headline a separate card

Won’t happen though. Let’s all be real

The ufc won’t put him on 305. That fight card is done with its own headline. They won’t stack it that much just to miss out on another easy $7+ million gate with Alex having his own cards, let’s all be serious

Hate how now Hispanics are openly freely throwing out n-bombs, and I’m Hispanic. What happened to foo, Holmes, carnal, ese, compa, even dude.

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

I mean they had Chandler as their poster boy for black month couple years ago just cus he adopted a couple with no mention of other great black fighter like rampage, Rashad, jones, din, yves, woodley, Perry, etc

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

Last rumor I saw was that O’Malley/Merab was the front runner for the spehere, I hate it. I prefer ilia/Max. Feels like a much bigger fight and would love for the ufc to take advantage of the possibilities with these two guys. Imagine during ilia’s walkout rose pedals falling on the screen as his Spanish music plays, all in a matador theme. Then with Max it’s the ocean along with a more tropical vibe.

And Chandler knows this. That Irish press conference would’ve been a let down cus it’ll be Chandler getting clowned on while giving out motivational speeches and complimenting Conor. Even now, he know not to talk shit about Conor and won’t say anything bad about him.

It always amazes me that it seems like these kids come out of nowhere it seems. I never know who they are or what they are known for. Just like the Nelk boys. I just know they have a podcast, suck at doing it, and scumbag Dana is a weirdo for hanging out with them as if they were buddies for decades.

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

No he isn’t. Where’s your proof on that?

Yup. I love Alex but let’s see if his next fight does as good as any of these. My guess is no. Still expect a $9+ million gate

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

He could’ve fought Tom and he declined. Stipe isn’t champ and he doesn’t get ppv points.

longtime fellow feline here. Don’t know if there’s an exact origin but my guess is that messican would call 1st chombie papa. A good majority of Hispanics use that term on males. What is official is that he started referring to calling his kid Bapa in stories. Changs picked it up and mocked him for it for saying it wrong. As usual he got butt hurt and would call other people Bapa or Bubba, to the point that Callen was using “Bubba” out of nowhere, my guess being to cover up for the redact and demonstrate its a term they always use. Obvious Ray Pest doesn’t say it anymore and it always felt unnatural when he would say it.

Bellators first NYC event. Believe they were first to NYC

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

Agree but the beginning asking price compared to the end product is a gamble. People still didn’t get to see Ortega fight or most likely had tickets purchased once ulberg was announced to be out. Would suck to pay and have to watch smith/roman knowing that Khalil/hill or Ulberg/smith wouldve be more entertaining.

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

Are you a real fight fan?

-king Goof

As far as I’m aware it’s same commission. MMA uses boxing judges. Obviously now mma has their own mma refs that specialize in the sport rather than switching back and forth.

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

Fair enough. I guess one can hit it with the technicality and say no cus since the round didn’t end the judges couldn’t properly score it regardless of the direction the round was heading.

Yes, but he wasn’t suspended.

Izzy has an extensive body of work as MW champ compared to Strickland, but also Izzy has a fight coming up so he has to be put high in the rankings to promote it.

UFC 279: A GOOFCON Miracle

Think that was the first time a contender 50-45’d a champ. Could be wrong. But that was a clear ass whooping at a time where pettis looked invincible

They do, especially the bigger commissions. The ufc isn’t going to fuck their relationship with those commissions for Ryan.