Good. That was my intention, to make sure OP has the necessary info to make an informed decision, and to not put themselves at risk. It's really not about you. Bye.

(very) recent alum, agree as well. Their stance does not feel appropriate

The general guidance is reapply after 2 hours or swimming or sweating, regardless of factor rating. This is clearly not what you said. Dunno why you're being so fragile about it


Hi! I really didn't have bad intentions, but since OP mentioned they don't really understand how factor ratings work and you focused on the "ideal situation" meaning, I wanted to add both the technical meaning and to convey that wearing factor 50 isn't licence to only apply once on a long beach day, which is an easy takeaway assumption the way you wrote it. Medical and skincare experts including the US FDA actively discourage interpreting factor ratings the way you did. You literally gave the examples of factors 8 and 10, but most of us are wearing 30 or 50 or above. Like I said, following your logic (you said "then reapply" AFTER the multiplied-out protection time), I would apply factor 50, wait 12.5 hours, then reapply. Which is not a good idea on a long sun exposure day.

No idea why you're so snipey when you literally told a less-informed person potentially dangerous advice (or at least misleading information) and I'm just adding context and a warning.

Also maybe don't comment on a public forum like reddit if you can't take anyone replying in even a slightly opposing way? Yikes

Hey! In theory your explanation of factors is true, but if you would otherwise take 15mins to burn, using spf 50 doesnt allow you to go a whole day without burning (50x15=750minutes, which is 12.5hours), since the key thing is sunscreen wears off. You sweat, your clothes or beach towels or whatever will rub some off, etc. Spf (aka factor) is better interpreted as how much UV gets through the sunscreen, so spf 50 means 1/50th gets through and hits your skin. You should always reapply regularly on long sunny outdoor days, regardless of spf/factor used!

His aggressive spitty enunciating was visible from the balcony for us too πŸ˜‚

There were some hard-hitting moments with Jonathan Groff later on, but agree that his big number was fantastic!

My guess too, she's really obsessive about sunscreen 😬

I placed an order with them in november that was never delivered and their customer service was an absolute nightmare (refusing to acknowledge it was lost, I had to dispute with my cc company), it's not all complaints from ppl with unreasonable expectations πŸ˜•

What are you talking about, he's just high-fiving the screen. He meant to do that. Yes totally

Invisalign has made my front bottom teeth a bit loose (temporary, they'll settle down I'm told) so I've been avoiding biting and tearing with those teeth (like when eating toast). Instead I bite, open, and bite again til I've cut away a mouthful, and also drink more water and try to avoid super tough dry foods. It's a weird adjustment for sure!

Finally a reasonable take. It completely depends of what portion of her spending is actually frivolous vs for the house and kids

Yes, they just clean around them

As a non-gamer but huge hp geek, this game is the stuff of dreams. Hogwarts, Hogsmeade, and the highlands are so beautiful I could cry

I'm sure y'all probably know already but frozen berries are great! Almost always cheaper than fresh, nutritionally the same, plus they don't go bad and you can buy a big bag of them to have ready whenever. When you bite into a frozen berry it has a similar feel to biting into a popsicle!

You're definitely prepared but this is honestly more than you need. I wouldn't have gotten the wax until and only if you knew your aligners were uncomfortable. I also don't know what a dental bath is, I just use a cup lol

I'm guessing her $2k figure is post-tax, idk about you but I generally think of each paycheck as how much I'm actually getting (post-tax) for budgeting purposes, and my annual salary as pre-tax. Also, $2kx2x12 wouldn't be exactly right, it should be $2kx26 since biweekly pay is slightly more frequent than twice a month. But agreed w your general point that she needs to budget and cut back.

I put in a order on Nov 8, 2023 and it's definitely lost in the mail. Stylevana still refuses to refund or reship, also giving me those stupid template email responses. I'm contesting with my credit card now. Been a repeat customer, but unsure I'll ever order again. Super frustrating experience.


It's actually the opposite, PhDs are comprised of conducting and publishing original research in your field, not memorizing facts like in undergrad. The point is to discover new things, not learn things people know already. Source: I did a science PhD (and boy was that a humbling experience).