They only pretend to care about things. The things that matter are the things they hate. Those are the feelings they will act on.

The only "fiscal conservatives" I know are the ones who want to make sure the rich stay super rich and the poor stay poor. "Fiscal conservatism" has largely devolved into simple anti-tax sentiment and selfishness. Any pretext that they were responsible guardians or stewards of American resources was exposed long ago as just that, pretext.

Consumer pollution is a rounding error when compared with manufacturing and other large scale businesses. Until we force them to be actively involved in lowering pollution things like these "recycling" trash cans are basically moot anyway. What Costco does with all the thousands of pounds of packing trash they create is much more important than if the trash from the sales floor gets recycled.

For a non-biological energy being he sure has a lot of security there to guard the biological part.

Yeah #NotAllCatholics I guess, but really they support the organization and seem willing to let them overstep and encroach on others rights so if they support the church and are complicit aren't they still responsible? Of course Christo-Fascists are bad but Catholics have a track record of harmful ignorant behavior, I'm sorry if the KKK accidentally got that right by being racist dicks, fuck the KKK, but also, fuck the Catholic Church.

Agreed. Painter's tape and a small stiff board large enough to cover the button. Almost any material would work.

There was a time in this Country when the public would bemoan the idea of putting a Catholic in high office. Unfortunately those time's have passed and they now control our Supreme Court with their crazy bullshit. When people ask what harm Catholicism does this is example number three right behind the systematic rape and abuse of children and the systematic coverup of it.

They don't make 'em like they used to. I'd feel sorry for the Catholic Church and how fall they have "fallen" but the amount of actual damage and trauma they've created in the world leaves me with no sympathy. Really how far could they fall? It was a grift from the start anyway.

The premise of conservatism is that there are two groups that exist. There are those the law is intended to protect but not bind, and there are those that the law is intended to bind but not protect. Conservatives see themselves as the former group and they will say or do anything it takes to enforce and maintain that stratification. They were interested in the status quo when the status quo was wealthy white Christian men make the decisions and everyone else can fuck off. Now that's changed and, not coincidentally, so have their interests.

Does anyone think Trump would have sent a whole dock to support Palestine? Who would be better for Palestine? Thanks for putting in the effort to make this comment, I've kind of understood most of these things before, but never really put it in words. Opponents of a strong USA will always seek, cultivate, empower, and then magnify voices that are willing to criticize it regardless of hypocrisy of their position or even the facts that exist. With a wary eye at our own hypocrisy, we should always push for stability and peace. I've seen the greater evil. I'll take the lesser of the two.

"Try this INSANE rice recipe police DON'T want you to know!"

Yep. Even the smartest animals on the planet are simply not as smart as we like to perceive them to be. That's us. We aren't as smart as we like to be perceived to be either. That's why people lie and create tricks like a counting horse to look smarter than they really are. The horse thing was a scam from the start and the only math that mattered there was the receipts from the show.

I am not some expert, but I think with Duster you don't get high off the gases, the gases just replace oxygen in your lungs and you start to suffocate, which some people say feels like a high but is horrible for your whole body and especially the brain. I've seen people in the middle using Duster and it looked like a seizure. You'd be better off/doing less damage smoking weed than using Duster. imho.

Amazing how some peoples moral hang ups are about to become other people's medical emergencies, or at least difficulties. Seems like someone didn't calibrate correctly SCOTUS! They knew this shit would happen and they did it anyway. Why is no one else as mad as I am that billionaire fundamentalists managed to rig the Supreme Court and no one seems to be able to do shit about it?

Taking the victims words as their own is often a form of trolling as well.

If you want a cat to love you just give it food and ignore it completely. It will not be able to resist for long.

"God this 'Hot Ones' brand fragrance burns so bad on my dick! How was I to know?"

Same with TBBT. I thought it was horrible and wouldn't last a season. It went on for 10. People have interesting tastes I suppose...

They are ruthless and they are zealous. It's pure power politics from the top to the bottom and always was. If you don't want to live under their crazy make-believe world rules it will take multiple sustained elections where the people that represent this particular theocratic insurgency are denied office. This means multiple successive elections with broad voter turnout. I'm not hopeful.

Did they show us this video so we could understand the context that the kids are horrible exaggerating drama queens who refuse to obey their driver and the parents are pathetic hypocrites who refuse to hold their children accountable while blaming everyone else? Were we supposed to be mad at the driver for the unnecessarily hard braking?

Looks like some kind of liquid or food got on the element while cooking, perhaps that's the reason for the fast burn-out?