My comment isn’t about the topic, I know the earth isn’t flat. My comment was about any crazy theory can have a website but it doesn’t make that theory true

TIL as long as it has a Wikipedia page, it’s true.

Reptilians running the world confirmed. There’s a Wikipedia page about

It was painfully obvious to anyone paying attention his mental state was declining. MSM just didn’t want to report on it and pretended it wasn’t a thing.

They were just hoping they could hide it long enough for the election to come around. The debate was the nail in the coffin.

:lib: - Lib-Center

Unflaired? ✅

Facebook-level meme? ✅

No funny colors? ✅

Oh ya, we’re reaching peak pre-election time 😎

:lib: - Lib-Center

It’s just a saying. It’s hyperbole.

CF is still an EA game so I’m not exactly holding my breathe. That being said, MLBTS and SDS deserve every bit of criticism and hopefully the mass exodus due to CF’s release wakes them up a little bit

This games animations vs what registers is brutal.

Swings like this happen and are ruled no swing then it’ll look like you barely take the bat off your shoulder and the replay shows you a swing like this and you get a strike

:lib: - Lib-Center

“The mark of a good system is being able to hand it over to your enemy and not be worried”

Butchering the quote (and can’t seem to find it on Google so someone please correct me if they can) but you get the point

I try to get below 100 most of the time, but I also live in my PA and use the Chinese Stealth Armor to save space.

If I’m fully empty and ready to get back out there, I’m usually around 85-90/330

All of these times were within 5 minutes of the hour and iirc, that timer is at 6 minutes. There were also tons of other people there all standing around spamming the confused emote because they didn’t have the event either

Is the CryoFreezer the same as the cooler that’s in this seasons reward path, or is it better? Or is the cooler in the season path not actually for storing food?

Everyone who’s saying this is sad or it’s embarrassing, what would you have liked him to do?

The establishment doesn’t want him on the debate stage. They don’t want people knowing about him. If he was truly as terrible as you make it sound, they would have let him on the stage and allowed him to shoot himself in the foot.

But they didn’t. They don’t want you knowing there’s a third option that actually talks about issues.

This is the only option for him to get his name out there. It’s a fantastic idea and anyone in his position would do the same exact thing.

The man has taken on big pharma and was an environmental lawyer who won countless cases. He has actual stances on issues and he can back them up.

But go ahead and keep talking about the brain worm because that’s what gets you upvotes on here.

You straight up did not watch a single second of his stream if you think he “still said nothing” compared to those two arguing about who’s better at golf.

“This election is too important to vote 3rd party. Democracy is at stake here!”

Rinse. Repeat. Every 4 years.

You people watch Biden and Trump debate and then still say RFK is the unfit and dumb one.

Just next level lack of self awareness.

I think this is a great idea. I always thought the Green and Libertarian Parties should have a debate at the same time as the main one. They wait for the questions then answer it themselves.

The only “sad” thing about this is the fact that they didn’t let RFK on the real debate stage

:lib: - Lib-Center

If you’re not at least a little bit of a “conspiracy theorist” after these last 4-5 years, you’re living under a rock.

You cannot possibly be paying attention over this last half decade and think “everything I am seeing and being told is the truth”

How do you make a mule character work? Do you have a friend as a middle man or is there a way to drop items, log out, then sign back in on a different account and ensure you get back into the same server?

It’s not exactly difficult to find though. If I need dirty water for cooking, I run to the nearest body of water and grab some. It’s not something someone would want to stock up on so picking up 500 at once would be a headache to anyone outside of the most dedicated cooks (who I’m not entirely sure even exist and they would probably have a water boiler at their CAMP if they did)

:lib: - Lib-Center

Bro’s propping up a whole field of straw men. You checking with all the commenters on their eating habits regularly on this sub? Do enough people openly admit to not being adventurous with their food that you’re able to make that assumption?

I love trying new food. I’ll try just about anything once. I’m not eating bugs though (outside of sea bugs).