I’ve had teammates shave their beard because they were going to dinner after the game but that was in the sink. I’ve never heard of somebody shaving their nuts postgame.

I thought when we had the Black Flag modern plot we'd eventually get a game where we would visit different times. Like I need to visit renaissance Florence for a chapter then hop over to industrial revolution Englad then ancient Greece.

That makes so much sense. I was trying to figure out what sport it was based on the quotes but the phone in the water one confused me.

Hockey here too. HS lockerrooms were brutal but that was also early 00s with rampant homophobia and homosexuality as "jokes". Now in beer league, we have a few women in the league, the majority of them feel perfectly fine and safe in the locker room. At our end-of-the-season BBQ I saw my wife talking to a woman on our team who just started playing league hockey and she was praising everyone for being so nice and welcoming and helping her learn.

The knife scrape trend so people can hear crispy just pisses me off.

:NHLdet: Detroit Red Wings

University of Michigan's football stadium was built in 1927. There are a lot of old stadiums in the US but pro-sports have a stranglehold on cities and can pull shit like this for some reason.

like the other town from Michigan directly next to Macinac Island on this chart.

Seems like whenever he got the puck there were 2 sticks at his feet and he couldn’t make a move by anyone without one of those sticks taking the puck

I started buying women’s smartwool socks because the men’s colors and patterns suck.

If they expand Mexico in 3 I want the tropical part. Fuck Guarma.

Yea she gets compliments all day about everything and anything and the best (which is spectacular) is a hearty “DADDDYYYYYYY” when I/my son gets home.

I buy new shoes and wear them? Nothing. Hair cut? Nothing. New shirt? Nothing. Fuck even new boxers that make my bulge look great? Nothing.

At least I made the most bullshit dinner the other night and 5 times my son told me it’s the best and his favorite.

8 Michigan

I only take practice swings on more finesse shots. Around the green and I want to feel how my swing will be or the lie is weird and I want to feel it but it’s still not a full swing practice. On a full swing shot I take a little quarter swing to move my arms then step up and hit.

Pay off debts then invest and save. Maybe end up buying myself a nice gaming PC eventually. Take my son golfing a bit more frequently and take my wife and son out for a nice dinner to celebrate.

Orange is my favorite color but I also love it for a lightsaber.

I think 1 issue with zipper merging is a situation like this. The open lane cars are going so much faster and when they finally merge they have to slow down a ton which causes the right lane to have to slow down to accommodate the car. Zipper merging works great when the 2 lanes are going the same speed and the cars line up, like teeth on a zipper. It sucks that it happened so far back but the OP having to match the speed of the other lane will make it easier to merge for everyone.

But why would Detroit take a QB like that when we had the bomb trio of Harrington, Garcia, and Olovsky?

I was wondering if that would get called but I feel like since he dove and made the play on the puck it would have to be very blatant that he pushed the net off. It didn't need much more to come off the pegs.

Shaving cream and razors too. It will depend on the hotel but at bigger chains and nicer hotels I have never had an issue. Forgot a razor the other year and they brought a disposable one up with a little bottle of shaving cream.

I love wolverine too. They have a good variety of non-ipa/stouts/sours. Plus their prices are pretty good.

The way she was prepping the chicken was clearly fake. Nobody puts that much garlic salt, especially 3 times, on their food.