those who question his ability to win

Anyone who has that as their main concern is an utter dirtbag. The main concern should be that he’s incapable of being president.

The records on the show are really choppy online, and here:

I saw Wali Collins not too long ago and was trying to figure out how long he hosted, and it was all kind of a mess.

Short attention Span Theatre is the same way, where it says Marc Maron hosted one episode, but I'm pretty sure he did a couple seasons worth or work

 she has the same common knowledge as academics in cancer research. 

Let's not with an Ed D

I tried to delete this because I feel bad for people losing their jobs, but there are a bunch of federal agencies that just get involved in everything and it’s maddening

 motor vehicle crashes, falls, drowning, fires, traumatic brain injury, drug overdoses, suicide, and violence

Who's going to control all of these... diseases? now?

If the drone pilot lives in your neighborhood and you have a gun, you may not need to fight a drone at all

Biden has good people around him… That have been hiding the fact they’ve actually been running the country this whole time.

It was in the 3rd edition codex for sure, back when they had a lot more fluff in them

It’s also possible an Ork wouldn’t believe that their weapons could harm something so much bigger than them, unless they had their own big thing

Why use screenshot when blurry photo do trick

I always thought the idea of the village was that it was also enchanted to be a stagnant, ordinary place, and that Belle and Gaston were the only two not under the spell so they stood out to everyone else.

I thought the stale bread / spoiled food meant they were just caught in a weird daily loop

knows ALL the tricks stealerships hate

You should get the 5 closest dealerships and 5 from out of state on one big conference call. Have them bid on an interest rate to have the privilege to provide you financing

Would be funny if he went for it and thenput up like a 195 APFT score

Age is a pretty big factor here. Someone that’s 23 with a net worth of just under 200k isn’t lower middle class.

There was a line in there about buying the farm too I think

"This is it" - Kenny Loggins

That episode confused my daughter because her uncles don't live with us.

I guess I should just be grateful that they didn't explain what happened to O's and Katerina's parents. "Grooooowwwwnnnnnn ups come back.... sometimes"

Nostalgia used to be a lot better

I was reading this today when I was looking into the 62/70 rule. It seems like everyone here is probably familiar but the point about insurance rather than maximizing value is worth thinking about.

Edit: this is an old article, but also back when Forbes used to be of higher quality

Why does this article suddenly use the metric of “Spending increase” percentages rather than the levy? It makes the percentages look smaller, but it’s the same issue. The district made a lot of permanent commitments with temporary COVID relief funds