Guy just skating by in life…

You took a stab in the dark and killed it.


She’s hot in the daylight and cold at night - makes sense

It’s understandable- same thing happened to Hitler, he said pass the juice … horrible misunderstanding.

Well he eats his steak well done and smothered in ketchup so he’s gonna live forever-

It definitely was picking up some lunch after saving someone 15% on their car insurance-

Can you explain what you’re doing here? I get the gist you’re using the iPad as an external monitor? Cause that sounds cool especially for something I would carry with me-

Just add a ^ directly in front of the word

I would sit and research- found 3 different methods that seemed convenient- saved the research in a folder - started to write a letter talking about myself and who I was - found out I was pretty boring - so have been trying to add to my biography to see if I can change that a bit.

After those initial years, I branched out of my comfort zone to connect to someone- it was 50/50 successful- now on my own again - trying to not regress.

I wish my ass was disposable!

They just didn’t have time to apologize since it was so sudden, not every day you get ammooshed

Don’t sell yourself short, is this almost three dimensional???


Just don’t confuse them with mountains

You’re not glueing it back together- you’re slapping it back together-

First and millions of potential generations

What was that, like 4 cheeks and 4 tidies? My math is bad…