When I moved here from California and my girlfriend at the time asked if we should order some queso, I was so confused. When she explained what it was I said "queso just means cheese in Spanish. I guess that's queso, but so is the stuff they put on pizza."

Well, first I came to be disillusioned with the idea that our modern morality just came out of nowhere, or that we just came up with it through a process of survival. Then I saw how Christianity had effected our modern sense of morals in the West, and became curious if it was all a coincidence that a man who died as a slave a couple thousand years ago just kicked this off. That sort of started the ball rolling and eventually I ended up believing after I prayed to a God I wasn't sure was there and seemingly got an answer to my prayer.

Well I stopped believing for 3 years. One of the things that made me leave was that I hated the idea of "believe me or go to hell." I stopped believing in God or gods for 3 years. I came back and I was completely free of fear, and other things brought me back. So yeah, I believe without fear of Hell.

I think that the tree of life is supposed to be what was going to make them immortal. As long as they are from the tree of life they were in the Garden in direct relationship with and so could live with him. The wages of sin is death, so they sinned and weren't allowed to eat of the tree of life anymore.

Check out this book called "Celebration of Discipline" by Richard J Foster. The book does 2 things I think would be important for you. 1. It focuses your attention on God and loving Him rather than focusing on yourself so much. 2. It gives practical steps to rearrange your focus rather than just telling you to do it. Good luck out there.

It's not specifically about lust or sexual sin. Just a book about the spiritual disciplines. I think it'll help.

I quit Elden Ring after beating Margot the Fell King, because the next area I went to I was getting killed in one or 2 hits by regular enemies and I looked up 2 different online guides that said I was in the right area for what I had already done, and that, according to the guides, I was under leveled by 20 levels. How could I possibly beat one boss and be 20 levels short for the next area? I'm not that good at the game to where I could best a boss while being that under leveled. I started to grind, but after 5 levels I just didn't want to do it anymore. Souls game with no grinding is damn near a perfect game. Souls with grinding is ok up to a certain point. 20 levels though? And I had already spent hours exploring? That was too much for me.

For me it's the speed. I played Sekiro first then I played Bloodborne, and loved it. Then I played Dark Souls 1 and didn't finish it because I just did not enjoy how slow everything is. Then I played Elden Ring, and it was a little faster and so I enjoyed it more. The open world wasn't really my thing, but I understand why other people like it. I just downloaded Demon Souls and I'm really trying to get through it, but it's so slow. I'm having trouble getting into it at all.

It seems possible to both think Joel is a cool guy, and think that in his freak out to save his surrogate daughter he caused irreparable harm to other people he didn't know, and that's why Abby makes sense.

Also let's face it, back when the first game came out we were a culture who could understand people that didn't agree with us and weren't like us. We have now kicked things into high gear with the idea that anyone on the "other side" of whatever issue is evil and therefore can't be compromised with.

Maybe that's why Joel had to be made evil. Because some people who didn't like Abby were obviously incels and so if you were upset about Joel's death that made you an incel and so people who understood Abby had to stop understanding Joel, because we labeled all the Joel fans incels.

Bloodborne is great. I can't get into Dark Souls or Demon Souls. I hate how slow everything is.

You can run from the fight? I've played the game twice and never knew this.

Scholars usually say NSRV is the one translated most faithfully to the original text, and I find it very easy to understand.

3 replies ignoring your mistake. 1 sentence showing me you'd rather engage in this stupid stuff instead of a real conversation. I suppose we've reached the end of this exchange.

I've already expressed my opinions about that. I'll agree to disagree if you will.

You're the kind of person who puts a badge under your name that says "Agnostic Atheist." This tells me you appreciate directness, clarity, and specificity. You're making a statement that says "I'm an atheist because I have no belief in a god, and theist is a statement of belief, but I don't pretend to know that there is no god/ gods since I can't prove it, and so I am agnostic because gnosis is statement of knowledge." Knowing this about you, I wonder why have I pointed out twice now that you argued against a point I didn't make by putting words in my mouth and so you've had 2 chances to either admit your mistake or refute that you did that, and you have twice refused to either acknowledge that you did it or refute that you did it.

Are you just gonna talk past me? I pointed out that you put words in my mouth and you reply to me with mention of having done that?

To your point, sure maybe it's better to be cautious. I still think OP would know best in their own situation though.

Where did I say to "assume the best" ? I said op knows their own family and your advise is sound if they have family that would or might do that to them.

If that's how you want to live your life, I guess. I'm gonna take some precautions, I'll wear my seatbelt, but I'm not gonna refuse to get in a car.

Also you shouldn't be 40 hours in and haven't found the sword yet. You should find a guide for how to get that.

OP knows their family. There are horror stories, but not everyone is like that. When I told my mom she cried her eyes out, but still loved me. When I told my dad he asked me a bunch of questions and got a little angry, and said some pretty messed up stuff, but we kept our relationship we just agreed no to talk about it. Not everyone's parents are like the worst people you see yelling at their kids about how they will be kicked out in YouTube clips. Your advise is sound if they have family like that, but no need to lie to anyone if your family are decent people.

Genichiro, for me, was the absolute hardest boss. It took me about 8 gameplay hours over 3 days to beat him. My problem was I was looking for every single little chance to get a hit in when the game is much more about deflecting. So after 4 hours of getting nowhere I switched my gameplay to where I deflected all the time and hit when it was quite safe to do so it when he wasn't coming at me aggressive enough. After 4 hours of retraining myself I beat him. The rest of the game is still hard, but it's doable after that. (That was my experience back in 2019 anyway.)

The episode where Benjamin and Jake build that solar sail ship and go floating out in space together... It gives me such feels for back when I thought my dad was perfect, and I remember helping him fix stuff on our car or hydraulic stuff at his job. It really makes me want to be on that station with my dad as a 10 year old.