Felons aren't even allowed to vote for a felon

If people really believed there was a god that was watching them, they wouldn't masturbate in the first place.

You don't need the fear of getting hit by lightning, because you would be weirded out enough knowing that you were being watched by someone while you masturbated.

It's fake news used for fear mongering

It doesn't matter how different you think they are, or how serious you think they are. The point is, as a rule of law, unless it is excluded by the terms of the contract, a party has a right to terminate a contract where there has been: a breach of an essential term (otherwise known as a condition); a sufficiently serious breach of an intermediate term; or a repudiation of the contract.

Most terrorists in America are white Christians and were associated as such prior to 9/11. Every terrorist thinks that they are the good guys fighting for freedom, including the Irish terrorists

That's not really my style. What works for me, see, is the White Russian

Can you imagine his family from now on on the 4th of July and seeing and hearing all these fireworks. They're going to have PTSD once a year every year

The same thing happened in 2016 when the lawsuit first came about. Everything Trump did was ignored by the media

I still don't know if you're saying SeaWorld or See the world

Every felon can just say the system is rigged

They have no problem mocking and criticizing, but call us edgy when we give it back

He could have just stopped after the first 3 words

He looks like a sad thumb

Just like nobody remembers those idiots on Mars that ignored climate change

I remember when it came out in theaters, you would choose to see one of the three endings (A, B, or C) and not all three like you could once it was released on VHS

Not just the pacing, but the complete shift when there's the knock at the door and it becomes a completely different movie after that

I remember after 9/11, a bunch of bigots would say that "all Muslims were terrorists." And when I would correct them and tell them no they aren't, they would reply that "well not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims" and I would have to point to Northern Ireland and all the terrorists in America prior to 9/11

Yes, touch the pee buttons then rub it in your hair. Now cry. Now get charged with destruction of property and creating child 🌽

She sounded extremely woke, because she didn't make any sense and then she told us a bunch of fake news

She sounds very woke.

Doesn't make any sense and says a lot of fake news