We have retirement in the US. Some people choose not to use it. Other people can't afford to do it. But a whole lot of people retire at around the same time people in Europe do.

More than half of Europeans 65 or older are still employed on at least a part time basis. That is a substantially higher rate than the US. That said, the average weekly hours worked by those who are employed after 65 is slightly over 30 in Europe and slightly under 35 in the US.

Yeah, the 2023 one is the one to question, both because QB play across the league was down and especially since CMC got screwed over not winning it because of position bias. The 2019 one was fully deserved.

That's fair. I know I have been told that before, but I definitely forget that all the time.

Engineer isn't really a protected title. There are people with engineering titles that never receive an engineering degree and have never taken any form of licensing exam.

Poisonous animals is at least something you could benefit from paying attention to in some circumstances.

:oklahoma: Oklahoma Sooners

If I'm hosting, I usually just have my socks on. I don't care if other people follow suit or not. They can do whatever. I'll wear my shoes around my house, but I usually just prefer to have socks on. It's not a cleanliness thing; it's a comfort and convenience thing.

The sarcastic side of me wants to say whichever one is closest to the rest of them. Alternatively, it might say whichever one has the base materials of what I plan to build.

The more practical part of me would probably land on spruce forest. Each tree has a lot of wood, the color is nice and pretty universally applicable.

THE Lopen's Cousin

Very nice, Cause I'm the law would fit the syllable count better.

I would love a Knicks Thunder finals for two reasons. 1) The Thunder would be back in the finals. 2) We wouldn't have to play Boston.

Chet is 100% a starter every game he plays. It's just a question whether he starts at the 4 or 5. Dort is likely an every game starter as well. The question is who of Caruso/Joe/iHart gets to replace Giddey. I would guess that is probably iHart at the highest frequency just based on free agency as you mentioned, but will vary heavily based on what matchups we are presented with and what Mark wants to try.

At the risk of getting wooshed, the opposite is true. All squares are rectangles. Not all rectangles are squares.

:oklahoma: :notredame: Oklahoma • Notre Dame

Can you guys please stop? You don't need anymore.

:oklahoma: :notredame: Oklahoma • Notre Dame

The same way this OU/ND fan ended up in FL. I will admit, the Bama fan to Ohio did it better.

Am I the only one who believes there isn"t a clear 5, 6, 7, or 8? iHart, Caruso, Joe, and Wallace could all land anywhere in those spots in terms of impact next year.


Monthly dues would resemble initiation fees at nice golf clubs.

Let's not forget, he absolutely was willing to take that 30% pay cut. The team just couldn't actually get anyone in the door. Lebron took it now that there are no needle moving options left.

Makes sense. I wish the schools and/or the military accounted for current location with programs like this for your sake. That's got to be a little bit frustrating.


My dumbest round I have ever played was 52 (the easy 9)/37 (the hard 9) for an 89,

Curious why you would leave Purdue for either of these schools. Name recognition and alumni base are both really important factors in choosing the school from which you get your degree. Purdue is solid in both of those. Neither local school here is, but UNF is more recognizable than JU.

:oklahoma: Oklahoma Sooners

Or he could've been a Mandalorian pirate, an Arrrmando if you will.

He's only going to play like 26 minutes the whole season. I can't imagine his skin needs to be that tough.

Except that they don't actually have the ability to do anything with that money this year and the Kawhi/Harden situation is an aging nuclear device that could send them into a top 5 pick that would then go to the Thunder.