This is relatable. You also have a lot more cheaters in the game. Your statement plus the cheaters and apex’s horrible servers makes the game a pain to play. It’s a shame because the game has a strong foundation but Respawn is too greedy to reinvest in the game. They dress the game up with cosmetics, new maps and characters but won’t ban cheaters immediately 😕.


Damon was a shitty brother and never deserved Stefan’s loyalty. Stole his girl TWICE, killed his best friend, teased him with blood and tormented him every chance he got.

1 respectfully. They’re already in my top 3 plus 4 is my favorite Beyoncé album.

Idk but it bugs me 😭. I truly don’t want her to stop. Even if she stops touring, I still want her to release projects when she’s older. The thought of no more Beyoncé music when she been there all my life is kind of crazy. I tell my family all the time that’s she’s my MJ.

The poppin off on everyone in the house scene. “ELLIOTS HERES A FUCKING ADDICT. SO IF HE TELLS YOU ANYTHING FUCKING DIFFERENT HES A LIAR AND FUCKIN SNAKE. FUCK YOUU!!”. My girl did not hold back at all😭😭

Damon never intended for Katherine to turn both Stefan and Damon, he was supposed to the only one. Damon’s jealously of Stefan is what fueled his promise to make his life a misery. Basically Damon was never upset about becoming a vampire, he was upset that he became a vampire without Katherine there and that she chose Stefan to be one also.

I would try LOA(leave of absence). It won’t be paid but you’ll get to be off without using any time.

Not sure but I know I watched season 3 the most. The aesthetic and vibe of the season is unmatched.

Crazy in Love. No hate the other tracks it just overall the better one. It’s also far more iconic imo but I’m biased as beehiver. youuu baby walk my wayyyy (tell me how its lookin babe) youuu baby just take aiimmm for

I rewatch the entire series every time a new season is coming to refresh my memory. The way I see it is that we will at least have a well fleshed out story with a proper ending. I’m grateful that they have preplanned well enough so that the show doesn’t get cancelled.

Start over. This is also my favorite Beyoncé album

I found my people 😭. I love that song forever.

No I believe him, why’d you shit on the floor. The side eye tell me all I need to know 😂

I don’t doubt that he could’ve gotten over her but I do doubt that he loved her more than Elena. By the time Katherine returned Damon had already had feelings for Elena. Katherine rejects Damon for Stefan and he’s suddenly pursuing Elena more and more. My head cannon is that Damon has a deep envy for Stefan and that why he constantly pursues or tries to destroy anything that makes him happy. Ik it’s a stretch but it lines up with his actions. Stefan courts Kathy and Damon chases her, Stefan has a lifelong best friend and he attempts to kill her and then actually kills her, Stefan meets the love of his life and now Damon wants her more. Also don’t forget the amount of times Damon tries to tip Stefan back off the rails knowing he’s a blood addict 😭. I’m basically saying that his “love” for Katherine felt more like him trying to win over his brother.

I wish we got one too but I think Maddie didn’t really want to hurt Cassie even though she betrayed her. I think Maddie genuinely loves her friends especially Cassie. I think she held back. Also Cassie never gave fighter girl 😭

Well season is arguably one the best seasons of the show imo. It has a pretty compelling villain, great storyline going and some nice highlights like Bamon (Bonnie and Damon friendship). Season 7 was alright but 8 was a struggle. I would definitely watch season 6 and 7 though.

I think this is what it is. I think I have a thing for that fike boy 😭

Blue pentagram. But honestly most of these are great and like that they changed every season.

When Maddie ran down towards the stage after Cassie i was shook

I’m not lying when I say this is one of the most astonishing pieces of art I’ve ever seen. Can’t even comprehend how you were able to do this.

This is a solid theory but I think it’s implied that a lot of those witches couldn’t vanquish the demons/warlock because they simply weren’t strong enough. But this theory is not headcannon for me also.