Nope. But I love the hell out of it now. I bought in Dec of 2021.

Having to download an app to order food from a food truck that is right in front of you is maddening. Anger is right response.

And anyone who knows how to download an app, but just doesn’t fucking want to when all they want to do is order from a food truck as the gods intended.

This happened to me in late 2021. My realtor told me I was second choice behind a cash offer. Then their offer fell through and I am now the owner. Not saying it always happens, but it does sometimes. Sending hugs!!

Dumb People Town! I also second Do You Need A Ride and I Said No Gifts.

Why am I the first murderino to say call the fucking police?!? What in the actual fuck.

I suspect it’s $896.71 per year vs monthly, but either way…blame the very structure that allows you to be landlords. Late stage and largely unchecked capitalism that is the corporatocracy that we all get to enjoy now. Even you.

Does his skin twitch when you pet him? There is a neurological syndrome that causes extremely sensitive skin. Might be worth asking your vet.

If you have urgent care clinics in your area picking up relief shifts can be a very lucrative side hustle for vets and technicians.

Are doctors open to being interviewed? I’m a veterinarian who works in integrative medicine and the amount of people requesting free interviews before booking an appointment is a bit much. Do you book an appt for the interview?

Unfortunately, it seems that the majority of dogs haven’t been trained since the pandemic. Some are, of course, but they are in a small minority now. Not sure this is just a Boomer thing. I work in vet med and it’s wild how many people expect us to just use some sort of magic to handle their completely untrained and unsocialized pets.

What is a luxury tax? Is that what it’s called when wealthy people pay their fair share of taxes like everyone else? Further bloating the government? Or maybe actually funding services that tax paying citizens need like health and child care? Please do expand your comment. How does the average middle class family get where they need to go without the rich paying their share?

I’m not one to defend Boomers, but I think this is just a case of how your Dad shows affection. Through acts of service. Sounds like he’s doing his best even though it’s not exactly how you want him to do it. Maybe cut him some slack here?

Chewy makes it difficult for us to work with them. I’ll just leave it at that.

Yes! Well said. I’m 48 and this beautiful transformation has been taking hold. I’m so pleased with having the essentials met. The only need I have is to continue to build on this wonderful reality.

Gen X here and I’m with the Boomers on the obscene noise level in many newer bars/restaurants. It sucks to spend restaurant money on a meal and not be able to talk to your table mates.

C’mon now. Gen X is the first generation raised by Boomers. We were the first to be affected by their bullshit. Make sure you know the age difference before lumping us in with Boomers. We have been sick of their shit for much longer than most.

The right wing ability to forget her insane performance of the national anthem is cognitive dissonance at its finest.

Another gem from 1981. I was 7 and my brother was 5. Walking to school alone we were approached by a dude offering to give us a ride. I said no and grabbed my brother to run. We did. The dude followed us. We got away and went to school like nothing happened. I told my parents about it later that day after school and they said ‘good job’.

For serious. It was wild times. They didn’t give one shit. No asking about who he was, a description, call the cops. Nothing. Weird people.