Guristas Pirates

Most people choose Caldari as a starter because of the location to the major trading hub, Jita. I would suggest looking at the inbuilt tutorial, the AIR program. I have not tried it myself, but its said to be a solid introduction to things you can do as a new player.

There is also this https://wiki.eveuniversity.org/The_Magic_14

Note that some people cast shade on the magic 14, but its a group of very commonly needed skills across a whole range of things you might want to do. Sure, once you get to know the game well and how you want to play not all these skills may be useful. But, since you need to actually get to the point you know or not, you kind of have to learn what you dont need to know along the way as well, so they are still important.

Ahh, also, if you want to fly as a free Alpha account, I would say stick to spaceships up to cruiser level until you get enough game experience, because beyond that point things get harder and mistakes more costly.

(usually within a few days at absolute worst)

You know, I look at this and think back. Where I live which is a city of over a half million, and realise 10 years back I could just walk in off the street without an appointment and without checking and see a doctor in under an hour, no trouble at all.

Now I cant do that no more. No no no.

Now I think in terms of a few days or hospital emergency.

Guristas Pirates

I have a Vexor navy myself, works vey very well.

I love Melbourne, I used to live there. But its known as a "Four seasons in one day city." for a reason.

I have 2 meters in order to co-verify.

Also, unless you know what the current absorption level is of those packets, you may as well declare with puzzlement a full glass of water is unable to hold more water.

Its almost as if residential property values raising 6% per year and earnings ability not rising 6% per year eventually destroys the ability of a generation, whatever it is labeled, to be able to afford a home to own. Because there is only so far into the future they can be beggared with multi-decade home loans due to the fact immortality has not yet been achieved.

Given that the military solution has failed in 2023, many think ukraine best option is that they negotiate while still having some leverage

So what exactly makes 2023 the magical year, since this war has been going on in one way shape or form since 2014 (over 10 years)

It seems to me that, given current levels of equipment destruction VS speed of production (including replacement from stores and materials sourced from overseas) that Russia has 2 full more years of war at this scale before it confronts how the hell its going to equip the rest of its borders.

Good job China is Russias friend, so Russia can safely pair down its military hardware to the south and ship it to Ukraine. Its fine to do that, right? Right?

Yes but there’s not much of a future if they lose.

People who write Win or Lose have NFI at all, none, what that actually means.

Does Ukraine get Crimea to win? Does Ukraine get back its land on the Black Sea to win? Does Ukraine get back its Eastern Territories to win? Does Ukraine get to take over Moscow to win? Bring a better quality of life to the Russian people they cant even imagine is possible?

Well, I thought in terms of testing all the base filament types that produced low hazard fumes and got 2 x colors of each. But that was because its just a single filament feed to the printer. Had I decided on an AMS I would have bought more rolls.

First, because lenses and automatic software correction for distortion will play tricks in macro photographs just like this, I want to see something with a known true straight edge resting on top of it, aka a small spirit level.

But assuming that is accurate, it appears to have been built with a critical part outside of acceptable manufacturing tolerances.

Guristas Pirates

What? This is clearly an in-game screenshot. Many wormholes speak in bright colors, of the promise of a cheerful journey on your way though. Speak to a certainty that, like a rock of ages, they shall be there waiting patiently for you, loyally for your return as bright and as undimmed as before.

Think yourself lucky you have never encountered the wormhole you see in that picture, I swear they exist and what you see is exactly how they speak. Its scary just to see it here, only as a still image, its terrifyingly worse in game. Whispers of temptation and seduction. It breaks a capsuleer.

Guristas Pirates

Well, my dad fought the Japanese in WWII. Myself, as an adult, hosted Japanese exchange students in my home, multiple times. When I find things I hate I look for a shovel and see if they can be buried. Not forgotten mind you, that would be stupid, just if it would be better off buried.

Gal is holding? You mean Old man Star is still free of detestable Caldari space advertising billboards? That is a huge relief.

Guristas Pirates

Hmm. I kind of decide based on the ship I want to fly and how I want to build it, whether its best suited to armor or shield, passive or active. But, if you want to drill down to what I think at rock bottom...

Damage Control is God. Because Dead Ships Shoot Dust.

As for Hull Tanking.

Damage Control II + 3 x Transverse Bulkhead Rigs. You only lose cargo hold as the drawback. This can be the primary tank in order to enable a necessary fit or, if you don't have anything else good to rig, say because the disadvantages of a particular rig outweigh its usefulness in a build, doing this becomes your emergency back up tank. This has saved me more than once. Of course you cant self repair unless you re-fit for it, as the cost of a hull repair module is not worth an online slot. But any day you survive to repair is a good day.

Ahh, great, thanks for letting me know. I will have to phone them first thing Monday and get them to alter the order. They looked overly large in the photo but there was no other size listed on their website. That said... I wonder if there are very different absorption properties due to size? Hmm. I think quite possibly there would be.

You brought up bombing the Kremlin. You did not bring up assassinating Putin. I replied to the message you wrote.

Guristas Pirates

Caldari crush you so badly you need to search for weaker enemy to rage on?

Much shame. Go back Gallente, free your home.

Ukraine is fully justified bombing the Kremlin directly

No. Bad idea. Russia is not attacking the civilian command and control political structures of Ukraine. This is the way war works. Only in movies is the US White House the first building taken out.

Guristas Pirates

I love WWII analogy stuff like this but its a bit out of date, its more the case in Min-Amarr FW its arrived at the Battle of Berlin. The only real danger is total victory, which is what Cal-Gal is wrestling with in their own war.

Get this. I looked at a tiny pre-packed desiccant earlier today, opened it up to see what it was. SILICA GEL - THROW AWAY DO NOT EAT was how it was labeled. We all know the ones. But, now that I have skilled myself to know the differences in what I see, it was not actually silica at all, it was AA.


Not in Sydney but will ship 1KG bags. Cost of 1KG with shipping to Sydney is around $38. 5KG $113.

Guristas Pirates

In terms of keeping play under control as an Alpha account, your looking at flying combat ships that are frigates, destroyers and cruisers. You can fly ships bigger than that, yes, but the cost and limits of Alpha skills, you hit the limits. You also need to focus on what ships you intend to fly and you will be able to skill two weapon systems at best for free as part of the free skill points given to Alpha. Mine, for Alpha my choices are Missiles and Drones on Amarr and Minmitar hulls up to cruiser level. I bypass frigates.

Drones, as an Alpha, you will be very effective fielding light drones (and as an Alpha you can field Navy level drones, which is really icing on a cake.) Medium drones as well but Heavy are really a step too far for Alpha.

Why is drone arriving during daylight?

Because things have become so bad for Russia they no longer need a cover of night for the final attack run?