It's not, but there's a level of civility to Canada that you'd easily notice if you were raised in a US city.

My friends and I took a trip to Toronto, got in with a plug our first few nights there. He was showing off the stash, the cash, the jewerly.. we're not even the hit a lick type but by the end of the trip we unlocked one of the windows, came back when he was gone and left with all of it. You think we'd feel comfortable pulling that same shit in Baltimore or Philly? It's just sweeter up there.

I drove ppl to rehab the last 2 years.. tranq either killed or scared straight the majority of opiate addicts. Meth is the drug de jour in 2024.

You can clearly see the shadow of the gun at :14.. there's no guarantee he walked away.

Worked at a rehab, meth is widely considered the hardest kick bar none.

5 years is the type of achievement that makes me believe you are capable of accomplishing any goal you're determined to reach, congrats.

:Steelers: Steelers

If you wanna define goat football player along those lines, it's quite likely OJ, who could have been All-pro and multiple positions offense and defense.

geez.. the only thing that could make harrenhal worse was if it were built on top of an ancient crannogmen graveyard!

:Steelers: Steelers

The horrible look here is you thinking it's appropriate to keep a man from earning what he's worth because it will make your football team better. Even worse is that you think the tags could be abused to get Aiyuk(and those like him) to fall in line and learn their place.

Hate to be the one to ruin the power fantasy you have, but there's a reason no team has ever utilized the full extent of the power granted to them in the CBA to control a hold-out. Aside from being bad business in general, anti-competitive contract language has a history of being ruled unconstitutional in court.

Luckily, the Niners are far more competent than you give them credit for. Aiyuk will have a fresh new deal before the season starts.

When I found out my friend BadboyBrad007 was talking mad shit, I became BadBoyBradOO7 and caused untold damage to his social life.

:Steelers: Steelers

Ohhh I understand now.. So you're saying that, even though Watt made a play that is identical in impact to a sack, and bore all the hallmark features of a sack that make them valuable stats to record and track, he won't receive credit for tackling a qb in the backfield on an obvious pass play due to a technicality, got it.

:sc::c9::c0::sc: TJ Watt

People love to hype Highsmith and Heyward, their best play is only unlocked when teams are shifting attention toward Watt.

Respectfully Cam Heyward is objectively way too solidified for you to arrive at this conclusion about him. Look no further than the 2022 season where we lost TJ for 7 games.. Cam was one of two defensive starters who maintained their production from the previous season.

The other starter was ironically Highsmith, who more than doubled his career high sack total.

:Steelers: Steelers

Tomlin snatched up Sutton as a mentor while he was on the run, way before he had any professional incentive to do so as a football coach.

I won't argue against it looking bad for the Steelers, but I think Tomlin is standing on different business than what you're implying.

Rhaenyra had no switch up in her AT ALL.. The only thing she did wrong was underestimate Cole's grasp on reality.

He gave up his knighthood to become Rhaenyra's lover? Ok well she put that offer on the table for him - a life of ultimate luxury being the Queen's consort of love.

He turned it down because it wasn't good enough, he really thought it was untenable that the King's daughter had to marry for the realm, because he's a straight up fuckin fool.

:Steelers: Steelers

we have different ideas of what generational means, but I appreciate you letting me know the criteria.

:Steelers: Steelers

How tf do you not qualify Joe Burrow's 2019 season at LSU as generational??? Like honestly let me know the logic behind that.

:Steelers: Steelers

That's irrelevant to facts right now

That's something low-tier girlfriends say when they want to completely handwave a valid claim.

btw SI used the word "generational" in Hutchinson's draft report, look it up yourself.

:sc::c9::c0::sc: TJ Watt

Don't trust anything that comes out about a player before the season starts.

We need a bona-fide wr2 and everyone is going to get a shot at contributing. He'll get looks, and we'll find out his role on the team based off what he does with them.

:Steelers: Steelers

Lol Michigan has been around awhile and Hutch owns the sack record. Plus he's one of like 3 college defenders in history to place runner up in Heisman voting, I'd say he qualifies as generational.

Yeah absolutely. DM me though, these conversations require some care and respect, and I'd feel better if we discussed it privately if that's ok.

One thing I will say for anyone reading this - having been on both sides of the transaction, the number one tip I can give about funeral planning is to do it IN ADVANCE.

It can be so damn hard to conduct business while grief-stricken. Getting it done "pre-need" takes the pressure off the people we love most, and also ensures our wishes will be granted as well!

I bet anything the cemetery markets that section as "The Tree of Life" or some dumb shit and sells the plots underneath at a premium.

Spent a few years selling caskets. Metal, concrete liners, over time the the ground cracks 'em like peanut shells regardless.

Caskets are built to look nice for the service, once they're in the ground they rapidly disintegrate.

:Steelers: Steelers

Possible.. but don't you think to find 50 women with a claim against him, there was a thorough vetting of his past?

I feel like if there was prior behavior, it would have established itself at the time was metoo'd, but like I said its possible.

:Steelers: Steelers

LOL you're RIGHT he lost to Lamar in 2016... do me a favor and google "deshaun watson heisman", I'm looking at it right now and its saying he won in 15 and 16!

:Steelers: Steelers

Why not dunk on the Browns x10 and the Texans x2?

It's definitely not because I'm still salty about that playoff game, don't even think for a second that's why not!! <3

:Steelers: Steelers

look we can sit here all day and speculate on things that may or may have not taken place behind closed doors

Or, OR.. we can take a free dunk on the Cleveland Browns. To me, the choice is clear