Every copy of dark souls is personalised. Some more so than others.

My name is Inigo Montoya, you killed my father prepare to die!

I think different games need to get to the gameplay at different speeds, I like role playing games to start quickly so that I can start role playing but for more story driven games like half life or RDR 2 I quite like slower openings.

Joel wasn’t heroic. The whole point for TLOU 2 is comeuppance for one of the parts of the first game that felt the most wrong, killing one of the last surgeons in the world post apocalypse.

I heard he’s seeing someone about that

Fallout 3. It was my entry to the series but I just kinda stopped because I felt like there wasn’t anything super interesting to do even though I was enjoying the main quest. I came back to it after playing through new vegas and realised how bad I found the main quest, I wasn’t engaged with a story where someone else was always the driving force of the story.

cyborg porg

The dialogue is just as good as Star Wars has ever been and the overall plot, which is not yet all out, is pretty good so far. Also all of the action/fight scenes have been absolutely stellar so far.

When Yord attacked the with dude I expected a long drawn out fight but it like three seconds he was dead, it was brutal, heartbreaking, and fantastic.

Whoever put him in a sleeveless duster(?) deserves a raise

I loved by how the end of my evil Durge run astarion was bored with the lack of variety in the murder, DJ shadowheart was confused by the murder of people who could be helpful, and minthara wanted to team up and take over/destroy the world.

I still can’t believe I ever liked the Act Man’s content, his battlefront 2 review really tipped me off on rabbis he was because he’d pause like every 5 minutes to complain about the main character not wearing her helmet as the game pushing “a strong female protagonist” as if A) that’s a bad thing and B) as if not wearing a helmet makes the character you play as easier to identify with as they can sow emotion non verbally

cyborg porg

Ah yes Tyler Durden the man who emotionally abused all those around him including leading to the death of his/his alter ego’s best friend and resorting to organising a large scale violent uprising. He’s really endearing and positive. Also Patric Bateman, wanton violent murder really screams positive to people.

Ron Swanson’s right wing beliefs serve as a comedic gag “the person in charge of this government branch thinks government is useless” and his outward hostility serves to show how strong his relationships with the people he does confide in or offer advice to are. He does not exist to market those beliefs.

In conclusion, thank you for coming to my ted talk and listening to my incoherent rambling.

Bisexual :bi:

I’ve seen other cis people try to make this argument and it always seems stupid, is it really easier to argue with someone that to say “terribly sorry” and correct yourself.

One of my players has been collecting every functional door they find as a celebration of not being tricked. I’m going to wait until they stop doing this and make a mimic door right after a tripwire.

Slay the spire and guilty gear strive. I might get something else if it has a large discount and catches my eye but these are the only ones I’m planning to get at the moment.

Don’t fear the reaper. No. Fear me. I have killed many people to get to the final mission and I would like that to be recognised. I am death destroyer of worlds, rider of the skeletal horse, and harbinger of the apocalypse. People will fear me before I kill them.

If I feel myself getting frustrated with a game I turn it off and play power wash simulator instead. It’s really relaxing and also just fun, especially with friends.

I finished sekiro last week and I’ve started playing pillars of eternity. It’s really good but a dramatic change in pace.

Ave, True To Snuffles

Go for the wings. It really helps if you can cripple them as it slows them down and lets you go for the head to kill them.

It’s really really good. Playing it feels like doing a logic puzzle in the form of a dnd session with two other people advising you and a dm who has their own agenda. The way the game can change what seems to be a dull repetition is genuinely incredible.

Every detail of all of the photos is perfect. I really hope you’re happy with how they turned out because I think they’re absolutely flawless.

Yep, I keep trying to block stuff and get absolutely destroyed.