Christian (non-denominational)

The thing about marriage is that it is meant to be a union between two people who love and cherish each other. If someone is harming you or cheating, then they are not holding up their end of the promise. It is a sin to divorce, but you should absolutely not stick around in that scenario.

I mean, it is a sin to eat meat on a Friday. It is a sin to wear polyester and to work on the sabbath. There's all kinds of silly little sins we commit. We sin every day. Why should escaping abuse via a divorce be the "sin" where people draw the line? I'd argue that if we can't avoid sin, as born sinners, then definitely don't let the fear of "sinning" keep you in a situation where you are being actively harmed.

Get out of there. Don't stick around because "divorce is a sin" that's absolutely wack. If you've ever eaten shrimp or pork, you've technically committed a sin according to the Bible lol definitely don't stay in that relationship.

Christian (non-denominational)

Divorce is considered a sin. Adultery and abuse are also considered sins. Sinning is part of our nature. We are born sinners. Even the smallest lie is as damning as murder according to the Bible.

However, Jesus gave his life as ransom for our sins. Accepting him as savior, loving others, and earnestly pursuing your faith are what He asks for. If you are being cheated on or abused, it would be far worse for your mind, body, and soul to stay for fear of the "sin" of divorce.

Do not subject yourself to the cruelty of a spouse who does not cherish you the way they should. Run.

I once got something like this when I argued online that Columbus Day was dumb. Don't listen to it ๐Ÿ’›

My son's 5th bday is coming up, and I'm making a star shaped piรฑata for the party. It's been years since I did an art activity, I usually put things like that on the back burner because there are so many chores to do.

I'm enjoying myself so much making this silly little piรฑata and I'm happy. ๐Ÿ˜Š

There have been some pretty well documented country music feuds because one artist came out against conservative policies and another took offense. Like The Dixie Chicks on SNL famously stating they didn't support the war. The war Toby Keith began against them lost The Chicks a huge amount of their fan base.

Or Jason Aldean's wife posting transphobic content on Instagram and Maren Morris calling her out. Maren got death threats for that.

Hell, even Jason Aldean's infamous "Try That In A Small Town" song, which is pretty clearly about lynch mobs. The fact it hit number 1 on the Billboard top 100 is dismaying, to say the least. It all points to a very alt right leaning group of fans in the country music genre.

OP says the child was 8 months old and crawling. My guess is OP does not understand this is not a toddler aged child. 8 months old is an infant. Should the dog be euthanized? No. Rehoming is a far better option. However, aggression towards an infant is unacceptable.

Thank you for this information! I don't have too much experience cooking seafood, this helps!

This happened to me before, and I searched "items for 1 cent" and many cheap items came up. I got a pack of floss.

You are doing great, honestly! This is a solid choice of food. Set reminders on your phone if you need to remember to eat, I've had to do the same thing a time or two because when I am having a sad or rough stretch, I have trouble eating as well.

One day at a time, one foot in front of the other friend ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

This feels more like a Mesa thing...

"If love could have saved you, you would have lived forever."

I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't even imagine your pain. I'm glad you are eating ๐Ÿ’›

It really let me and the kids down. Now, every time he is screaming at us or throwing and breaking things, I know there is nothing I can do. Nowhere I can go. I am stuck.

I mentioned it and go further into what happened in another comment, but I had a lot of evidence. Pictures, videos, and witness testimony. But no police reports, so the rest was not taken seriously.

Also worth a mention, Alito and Thomas are close to retirement. If Trump wins, we are facing decades more of a conservative-held supreme court.

This is dangerously close to r/stonerfood content in the best way

This bread is the most perfectly toasted bread I have ever seen.

Then I'm lectured on how I don't appreciate that he puts a roof over my head and pays the bills (as if the power wasn't just shut off in Januray from too many missed bills). Putting a roof over the head of your children and significant other when no one else is reasonably able to be employed is a bare minimum requirement for any adult who is a parent. It would be like me saying "well I feed the children, and you're ungrateful." That is a bare minimum requirement for a mother.

I want to work. I have wanted to work for a long time, even if it's just part-time. Unfortunately, leaving the children in his care is simply not an option. He is on too many substances and can't responsibly care for them. I feel so stuck.

Edit: I'm not saying only mothers should feed children. I feel it is important to discern whichever parent is available to feed them should do so.

Honestly, the number of people who say it looks good gives me insane amounts of hope and pride. It tells me I'm not the failure I'm made out to be. I knew it in the back of my mind, I hung onto a spark of hope that the insults slung against me aren't true, but instead projections from a deeply miserable man. The reassurance from this community has been so comforting in the face of daily put downs and abuse.

Thank you! I have made naan in the past, but this time, I just bought a pack because I didn't prepare correctly and didn't have the time or ingredients to make it.