While I agree sliding (or falcon) doors are much easier for families with small children, that's not what the original comment was about. They were talking about the number of seats.

R1S Preorder

The vehicles in the driver display is what the car sees. If Rivians had more robust self driving capabilities it misidentifying objects could be concerning, but basically the only thing our cars care about is "is there something in front of me yes/no". They don't really care about what the thing in front is.

The 6/7 seat EV space has been filling out over the past few years. Model X has been around a while, R1S, EV9, Model Y (kinda small tho), EX90.

What the ID.Buzz gets firsts for is that it's the first all electric minivan.

If this is a crossover, are the main characters the same people? As in, did the main character from the last comic series die and become an angel, who is now the main character of this series?

What's crazy about Gas strike is that it has a ridiculously low cooldown. Like 1 minute.

The Eruptor can close bug holes too.

I could not agree more with this analysis.

Honestly I doubt you'd be racing Orange to the 8/3 wheat/wood spot because they will likely push for their first expand to be on that 6 on the other side of the board, and then probably go for the sheep port next.

Another potential expand for white is the wood/wood/dessert tile directly right of their starting settlement. Would give you access to every wood tile in a low wood game and even further cement you as road king.

:maori: Expansion Forseer

That's amazing.

Hope it works out! Love your work.

:maori: Expansion Forseer

Honestly if you applied to a position at Firaxis and just linked your steam workshop as a cover letter they'd be dumb to not hire you.

R1S Preorder

Nice OP! You mind telling us your approximate VIN? Trying to figure out how long it'll be until I can hope to get the email.

Same here. Hell I've literally broken glass with my controllers and they only came away with a scratch

:maori: Expansion Forseer

I would dump so much money on Civ VII if the Maori are on it it wouldn't even be funny.

Agreed, that single Velodyne isn't going to help you too much for anything self driving.

:maori: Expansion Forseer

Completely agree. An actual AI will find some dumb strategy and just try and do that because it's optimal, but that's not fun to play against.

I completely agree. This thing feels like cheating against bugs.

If any of its arcs hit a target, they are staggered. If you shoot a bile spewer they won't spit at you.

For not hitting targets on the ground you sometimes have to aim about a meter above your target and have the arcs go down.

:maori: Expansion Forseer

Small correction, only the first national park in the world provides 4 era score. All future national parks provide 3 era score. Which is still a lot.

I have a Patagonia Torentshell and it's fantastic. Also as has pit zippers so you can't get too hot

Until you fall is so difficult lol. I have yet to beat it and I'm at the standard difficulty.

I thought COVID was actually a capillary virus, and your lungs just happened to be one of the most dense areas of capillaries in your body?