Preschooler? With handwriting and spelling like that?

The day I discovered that I could now get a Herzog action figure was a good one.

I think people here are missing the point that some of these people didn't deserve to be on death row to begin with.

Nothing teaches a lesson like a good old public lynching of an innocent person amiright?

Writing nonsense like this just makes you look like a liar and a moron.

Other jobs exist. There are plenty of national leagues he could play in. This was his choice.

If doing so was part of his contract, then yes. Next question?

You can’t ’market’ a sexual orientation. Marketing is for things you can obtain. Do you think the aim of the logo is to convince people to become gay,lesbian, bi, trans etc.? The logo is part of an anti-bullying campaign. Professional sport has had a problem with homophobia for a long time. The league is making a statement that this is unacceptable by including this.

The uniform badges are for team sponsorship or league sponsorship. The sponsor can’t ‘drop’ the player. It would be exactly the same.

I’m not sure what is more worrying - that you think others might believe this nonsense or that you might actually believe it yourself.

And every dollar that goes to him cannot go to a republican down ticket.

He can still be elected president from inside a jail or prison cell. Biden’s statement is quite literally correct.

I had the PS1 equivalent. Played through FF7 with a cup of tea in my other hand :)

No one I know in the UK (where I’m originally from) had gone into medical bankruptcy. You can change jobs without losing your health insurance. Insurance payments are only part of the story - there are out of pocket payments and the endless arguments with my insurance over what is ‘medically necessary’ and what isn’t. Even in its current, Tory murdered, state, I’d take the NHS over the US system any day of the week.

Yeah, they seem less so when you realize that they are often referred to as ‘the rapists of the sea’

And why people who handle them on a daily basis have no fingerprints

So worms, slugs, sea anemones, and mollusks jump?

Our solar system only has one star.

Take as deep a breath as you can. Hold it for 5 seconds. Try to suck in just a bit more air, hold for another five. Try to suck in just a bit more again, and hold it for another 5 before finally exhaling. If you do it right it works every time, and it needs nothing else to work.

You are missing the most interesting part. At the time of his trial and punishment he was… already dead. They dug him up.