The recently-released allegations about Trump have spawned a new wave of accusations against Biden over there.

Exactly. Look at who is calling for Biden to step down. Fox News published 40 stories and editorials saying that Biden should withdraw. Does anyone honestly believe they're doing so in good faith?

Meanwhile: "But have you seen those slow-motion vids on YouTube that clearly show Pedo Joe sniffing little girls' hair? What a monster!"

Well, I made a patriotic firecracker-based character in City of Heroes.

That's about it.

Being forced to vote Trump because I don't have a better option doesn't make me a supporter

Yeah, it kinda does. It's like the old saying, "If you've got three Nazis sitting at a table with a fourth guy, what do you have? Four Nazis."

You could vote for someone else. You could not vote at all. But voting for Trump because he's gonna do the things you like? That makes you a Trump supporter.

ETA: And before you get all indignant that I just called you a Nazi, reread what I wrote.

I was gonna suggest "Tater", but "Spud" works too.

A high school classmate of mine figured it'd be fun to climb a high tension line tower. He actually got pretty close to the top, then started climbing back down. He happened to get in just the wrong place between two lines, and they arced through him. He fell like 50 feet.

Somehow he survived with just burns on 50% of his body. Luckiest- and dumbest- son of a bitch I've ever known. Ten years later he was killed in a car accident... so, just the dumbest, I guess.

The timeline- and his own comments- do not support your view.

And the idea of an apparent Trump supporter complaining about other people treating assumptions as fact is, yet again, deliciously ironic.

I figured they probably tried, but quickly learned that it did no good and got bored.

The book the movies are based on, and the movie more closely based on that book (the one with Stanley Tucci) makes a bit more sense. They're small, they fly, and they reproduce fast.

That's my theory, as well. They're pretty much perfectly designed to be shock troops, especially since they apparently don't eat humans. Send 'em in, they kill 99% of humanity and destroy any running machinery, then recall them or seed a virus that kills off their only supply of food, that fungus.

Another indication that they were designed is that they only eat that fungus, but clearly have teeth built to shred meat.

Also, nobody though about making decoys that could lure the creatures to other places?

Hell, that toy rocket their son killed himself with was quite obviously really good at attracting them.

Just a simple mechanical alarm clock would make a great monster attractor.

Yeah. Loved the book, but I really had to stretch my suspension of disbelief in that section. Claymore mines produce tons of shrapnel. If you can kill a zombie with a .22 rifle, a claymore would easily shred a large horde.

That was my thought during the movie.

I used to do paintball and airsoft. I'm really good at moving quietly and slowly, and holding perfectly still. But as soon as I took so much as a nap in a Quiet Place situation, I'd be dead.

Either give that man a super soldier serum or a helmet before he crashes into something, please.

We get it- you just won't admit that Trump's relationship with Epstein was massively inappropriate, but the irony of accusing me of a conspiracy theory while you blame Democrats is particularly rich.

“I’ve known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy. He’s a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side.” - Donald Trump, 2002 (two years before Trump supposedly banned him from the club)

If he bragged about it to one of his underlings, probably.

My pittie doesn't do that, but my boxador (lab-boxer mix) sure does.

He banned him for recruiting kids, doesn’t mean he was aware of child trafficking just knew he didn’t want Epstein around and did what he could

Specifically, the child of another club member. He was apparently okay with everything Epstein was doing until it was going to affect him directly.

And then when Epstein was finally arrested, he "committed suicide" in jail, and the cameras just happened to be broken... all under Trump's watch. I'm sure that's just yet another coincidence, though.

It wouldn't be quite so bad if the justices Trump directly appointed to SCOTUS would recuse themselves from any decision involving Trump, but we know that's not going to happen.

That situation was specifically called out in the dissent.