Oh well, maybe it's poverty driven, and they really needed that couple of bucks. Just kinda sucks that a few people ruin something for everyone.

Yep, I primarily write in my pocket notebook, and a lot of it happens at work 😁

It's not about convicting, it's about discouraging shitty behavior by making them less desirable to resell. Like a pawn shop doesn't pay as much for something with a name engraved on it.

There's another ball! Tastes funny. What about that one?...

Every receipt I get now is on thermal paper, the printing deteriorates in a couple years making it illegible.

Thanks for doing that job! Libraries have evolved so much from the place we went to everyday in the summer, back in the 80s.

I used to love going in to read the magazines I couldn't afford the subscriptions to as a kid, bicycling, backpacking, runners world... And the microfiche was like a Star Trek contraption.

Now there's probably 30-50 computers at each branch, 3D printers, all kinds of electronics and tools to borrow. State Park passes with a backpack containing nature guidebooks.

And I go in during the weekend for the solitude, a table, access to thousands of books, my pocket notebook to take notes of things I read that I like.

All without the expectation to spend money just to exist in that space. 😁

I've got cards at 3 library systems. At least once a week I like to stop in just for the ambience. Libby and Hoopla are great too

What a terrible day to know how to read

Apparently Fitbit has an altimeter and counts every 3 meter increase as 1 flight of stairs

altimeter combined with steps

At least normal used bookstores would be more likely to refuse them I would imagine.

I have one somewhere, I tried using it a couple times when I was learning. It's more of a nuisance than a help for me.

Trying to reach me about my brooms extended warranty

Would stamping the books on the edges (like a city library) with the name of the LFL prevent reselling?