He knows that females adore ridiculous dances.

The police make every decision in disputes between two parties based on which party they estimate could make more money wind up in their possession, short of them losing their jobs and going to prison. That will always be a church, versus solo you.

If you were ever in (even the honors classes of) any grade school or middle school or high school with a mix of students from families who were believers of many different religions, you'd notice that EVERY ONE of them believed (or at least said that they believed) that whichever religion their parents happened to believe was obviously true, and that every other was somewhere between obviously not true, to around the most ridiculous thing they've ever heard. They've learned not to say the last part out loud in public, though, to try to keep the hate and slaughter down somewhat. If their parents had believed some other religion, they'd be saying that they believe that that other religion, which they now believe is obviously not true, is obviously true, and that the religion they now say they believe is true, is obviously not true. They all go along to get along, in a weak, dishonest (if only to themselves) way. Because of peer pressure/bribery. But, because almost everyone does that, it seems perfectly normal.

After I'd been on it occasionally for a few months, I realized that it was a weird, nasty cesspool, and I stayed away from it completely, thereafter. I didn't learn that it was controlled by the Chinese government until some time after that. But that made it all make sense.

I'm right there temporarily. Because family affairs. Assumed the local porchfest I've seen advertised was some local's idea, happening there only.

Guessing when they hear Hey Joe someone will report you to the local authorities.

Everyone forgets that for every Karen, there's a Mister Karen, going through life trying to act as if everything is perfectly normal. And as if he's not actually a Mr. Karen.

I don't care if it rains or freezes, long as I got my plastic Jesus sittin' on the dashboard of my car.

Don't worry. Steven Colbert creeps me out enough for the both of us.

If twenty-five jail guards and police crowd around real close to look up your cavity when you"re forced to spread 'em, did you score twenty-five times? (Oakland, CA downtown jail.)

You'd meet the same consequences in the USA if the police, district attorney, and judge knew you the puncher had the ability to make more $ wind up in their possession - without them losing their jobs and going to prison - than did the punchee.

Damned atheists. I'm an agnostic. I'm not afraid to admit that I don't know. I'll find out when I die, maybe. As a hetero male, though, one gets more 🐈🐈😻😻🐈🐈by saying that one does actually does know (whatever) even if no one actually knows.

"Get a horse" they used to shout at autos as they passed. They're more environmentally-friendly, obviously. But horse crap everywhere.

Read an autobiography written by a young German female in communist East Berlin, Germany a few decades ago. Christiane F. It was turned into a theatrical film: Zoo Station. The railroad station where she and others whored, for narcotics money, mostly. Near a large zoo. She always referred to them as Mercs. "Whores are funny people," wrote the author of the book most read by gangster rappers. Pimp: The Story Of My Life.

Her own children are usually the only people a female has the power to make miserable. And her husband, if he's a weakling.

"Unfortunately, my parents were devout Catholics ..." How many times have I heard that. Females have to stick closer to the herd, for their and their children's protection. I don't know what males' excuse is.

I never understood the ones who were happy and excited when glorious, much-too-short summer vacation was ending and the long, miserable new school year was beginning. And I was one of the top few students in my class.