And you’re very very ugly

Moms stink!

Larry’s not white, Larry’s clear.

How’s your leg?

My big ones were Bayaz(not Baez) and Tolomei(not Ptolemy)

And you’re very very ugly

What are you 40?

“God smiles on results”

“My name is Nicomo Cosca, et cetera, et cetera

Yeah, same. I’ve seen it hyped nonstop, with certain comments saying it’s the best book they’ve read in a long time. I liked it, but I kept thinking “when am I going to get to the amazing part?”. The ending was cool, but it felt pretty formulaic overall. I’ll probably read the next book in the series, but I was pretty underwhelmed given the praise it gets on this subreddit.

I FUCKING LOVE WAAARR!! Lol shit cracks me up every time I hear Pacey say it

Stroking the 3 ball is a great way to space the floor for your shooters

I’ll die on the hill that Steven Pacey improved that word. I won’t pronounce it any other way now.

How’s your leg?

It’s subjective, no right or wrong. Your opinion is just as valid as anyone else’s.

How’s your leg?

That’s so crazy, I love Isern’s voice. And I thought Rikke was a good version of Dogman’s daughter. They both have kind of the neutral northern accent.

And you’re very very ugly

Well if you’re not gonna take it seriously…

And you’re very very ugly

It’s flame retardant, that’s like the whole point

Yeah who doesn’t have that friend that says things two times every time?

Right now, I can’t put down Children of Time. Literally one of the most fascinating concepts for a novel ever and it’s so fleshed out. Audiobook narrator is great too.

I think they’re talking about college basketball. Even college football teams have “cupcake” games where they play teams whose resources are vastly inferior so the talent drop off is massive. And football plays a fraction of the games. Compare that to Luka who was playing pro ball in Europe since he was 16, thus against much better competition more consistently. It’s kind of an overall dig at the way American basketball is considered superior in the states.

I will literally never forget that post-interview comment section after he touched all those mics. I can’t remember the exact phrasing, but the top comment said something to the effect of “I know that this is an unprecedented and scary time, and since the incident, Gobert has since apologized upon realizing that he made a mistake, and that’s really all you can ask for someone in his position. Having said that, I still think he should be executed publicly” I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard at a comment in my life.