To throw in a few, based off Memory Tapes:

Antarctica - 81:03
Ova Looven - 58:34

Try Battles, based off Holy Fuck (and damn ... "Near Mint" from that album is one of my top 10 songs of this century so far. It's just everything I love)

Oh and everything by School of Seven Bells.

At my old place I had cabinet handles that caught in the pockets of my pants/shorts. Used to drive me INSANE.

Almost never. There are folks on my team who work late hours all the time. I do not, but I do get my work done and don't have to hand work off to others. So with that I feel comfortable in setting boundaries. If it was not the case, and I was constantly falling behind, I'd have to work some late hours but I'd also speak to my boss about my workload.

Reading and hiking are my top two, but also really enjoy disc golf. It's free and not hugely popular so you can play fairly easily in a local park. And as someone said below, Geocaching. OMG so much fun.

So Folk Art in Inman Park has a decent one for $18. It's not as good as others I've had but it passed, for me.

There are bands I used to love before the Spotify algorithm. Foals being one. I had to remove Foals from all of my playlists because Spotify WAAAAY overplayed them every time I fired up a playlist. The same song over and over in a playlist that has like 187 songs in it, just because they're more popular than most of the other bands in it. It makes no sense to me, either. Instead of promoting bands further they're making people sick of them.

Six Feet Under is my favorite series of all time. When I rewatched, I did notice being openly gay on screen was such a bigger issue back then, and the series seemed a bit naive from that perspective (as a gay man myself) than it does now. But it's still lovely.

Okay my friends think I am totally gross, but I still buy the Chef Boyardee pizza kit, and I have to have it for lunch on Saturday because my mom would make me one every Sat after cartoons. I had a roommate who called it "vomit pizza" because he said it made the kitchen smell like vomit lol. Aside from that, my pizza tastes are pretty bougie.

OMG I thought I was the only one with this OCD habit!

I do NOT miss office bathrooms at all. I used to marvel at the toilet paper tumbleweeds everywhere. Like how does that even happen???

Mine was actually Schindler’s List. And the ending of Dancer in the Dark. One based on real events, one fictional. But I never want to see either film again.

Funny because we DO get that stuff and I give it all away. I don't need a giant box of junk food in my house lol.

The first album remains one of my top ten of all time. Yet they seem to not want to acknowledge it? I read that Ivo hand-picked all of the songs for that album, and that Kristin & Co had "happier" songs they would've liked to include. If that is true it would explain my loss of interest after the Chains Changed EP. Unfrotunately, I think I liked Ivo's version of them better. But yeah their early, early work was phenomenal. After that more of a college rock band, IMO, and there's nothing wrong with that at all.

  1. Frou Frou Foxes in Midsummer Fires
  2. Melonella
  3. Aloysius
  4. Athol-brose
  5. Feathers Oar-Blades
  6. Aikea-Guinea
  7. Oil of Angels
  8. Donimo
  9. The Spangle Maker
  10. Rococo

I would argue we have the place we call downtown, which nobody goes to, and Midtown, which is really downtown.

My naive ass thought all of Africa's coastline was developed and beautiful. Wow thanks for sending me on a deep dive on the Skeleton Coast!

Once I installed one, using paper seems disgusting and wasteful. If I have to poop in a bathroom without one I get a little grossed out. Lol.