I am super curious about why this warranted a downvote, lol.

Warning: May not be an INTP

This is exactly how I'd describe all the INTPs I know. The comments describing you guys as expressionless automatons don't resonate with me at all!

INFP - I need to feel pain

"Oh my soul, do not aspire to immortal life, but exhaust the limits of the possible" - Pindar.

This one life, this world, might be the only one you have. Learn to love it!

It's like we "get" each other even if we have diametrically opposite beliefs or interests. We seem to know exactly how to avoid conflict with one another.

I think it's due to our special INFP birthmarks that glow when we're together and when no other types are around. Not sure if I'm supposed to talk about that...

It's the other way around for me, lol. My friend is really shy and quiet and I'm very loud and boisterous (when I'm not slumbering in my INFP cave).

INFP - I need to feel pain

I'll do almost any sport and be very average at it and not particularly love it or hate it but the thing I find most rewarding of all is hiking. I love beautiful views, fresh air and silence.

INFP - I need to feel pain


I prefer this bad edit I made recently


You say you feel insecure about it because it makes you "fake". If it makes sense logically, why would it be fake?

It's hard to say if your friend is a visionary genius or just really insecure and stubborn, haha.

INFP - I need to feel pain

I've read that 4w5s aren't necessarily always creative or imaginative in an "artistic" way. Social studies/sociology deals with facts but it also requires you to think outside of the box, look at things from a lot of different angles, and do a lot of writing. Since it explores the social side of things, it is as concerned with subjective viewpoints and qualitative data as much as it is concerned with cold, hard facts. The INFP gifts of emotional intelligence and strong analytical skills excel at wading through this kind of murky material. I suspect that you're still creative but more in a "problem solving" kind of way than a "write songs about my feelings like Bjork" kind of way.

You're probably just more of an academically minded 4w5...like me!

I don't think these things are necessarily mutually exclusive or belong on different poles of a spectrum.

I think having one without the other isn't ideal. Philosophy is mere novelty if it doesn't seek to make the world a better place. Politics will only serve to preserve the status quo unless people learn to look beneath the veil of "common sense" or taken for granted points of view.

I'm both!

INFP - I need to feel pain

Nobody cares about this stuff past the age of 25

INFP - I need to feel pain

Us: "Actually you should not be doing this thing that has real negative consequences for the human beings around you including me"

High ego people: "you are an evil person and have literally ruined my life"

INFP - I need to feel pain

My friend, Ne is literally envisioning a bunch of different possibilities and then fi is putting it all back together. WE LIVE AND BREATHE THE BIG PICTURE.

INFP here to give you a less blunt explanation, lol. Sometimes we have thought really, really long and hard about the thing that we feel passionate about, and we're constantly tweaking our attitude towards it with new data. It might be something that our type is particularly geared towards understanding. In the case of INFPs, that's people (despite how Fi is often portrayed here), and when "thinking" types try to school us on social matters, it can be pretty infuriating.

Does this mean we're never wrong? No. Do we sometimes have an arrogant, unshakeable kind of faith in our beliefs *because* we've thought so hard about them? Yeah. Mature fi users will be the first to admit it when they realise they're doing this and that you have some valid counter-arguments.

But there are times when we know that you haven't considered all the angles, and it's actually you who needs to budge and try out a different point of view.

I'm guessing that Mr. INTJ has experienced this a lot. I know I have.

You might not do this, but I'm just trying to explain what I think they mean.

I think discussions about functions are *sort of* redundant without looking at how they interact with other functions.

In my experience Fe/Si translates to strong loyalty to one's family/partner, strong emotional dependency, a strong need for the familiar, a tendency to be polite rather than truthful, and a (not necessarily guaranteed) tendency towards being close minded - sorry SFJs.

Fe/ni can be some of the above but it's often in the service of a vision or ideal that's so much greater than just me and mine. It feels like INFJs and ENFJs are working towards a unique goal but just doing it in a more careful, methodical and socially harmonious way. It's not that they're not authentic, it's that they're playing the long game.

The latter gels with my "Fi/Ne" so much more than the former.

I hope I'm not too late.

I didn't see this part of your post addressed anywhere but maybe I didn't read all the comments properly...trust me when I say that having 10 skill slots doesn't detract away from classes feeling unique. This is partly down to each class having its own unique skills, or at least unique skillset, choice of weapons or magic etc.

Reborn did a lot to take the hassle and grind out of LUCT, particularly when it comes to new classes, but sacrificed some technical depth and customisation options in the streamlining process. They also got rid of one of the best classes, the rogue.

The fun in OV is being able to tweak your party setup down to the finest detail.

The end result, for me personally is that I found reborn a blast to play during the story/s but got bored out of my mind during the end-game. OV was slightly clunkier, less tactical experience overall but constantly being able to fine tune the party and play with different setups gave the tedious end-game some much needed novelty.

I get it but opening with the line "it's an undignified act that creates superficial/shallow bonds" about something that is as natural as breathing to a lot of people is going to ruffle a few feathers. And I get that too, as a chronic feather ruffler.

I did the fucking around thing too. It's so weird to want something that you know is ultimately not going to give you any real satisfaction.

I like losing myself in the moment and enjoying the "raw feeling" but my mind is just too busy "contemplating" for this to happen very often

I like the feeling of being with a "beautiful person", not for status, but because it gives me the same feeling of elation that I get when looking at the sky at sunset, or listening to incredible music. I feel sort of guilty about this one though because beauty is at least partly a cultural idea. Status doesn't even enter my mind, lol, at least consciously.

I like giving my partner pleasure, because making other people feel good makes me feel good, but also partly because I get a bit of a self-esteem boost out of being good at it.

Ultimately, I like the feeling of being exposed and close to somebody I trust because most of the time I just feel alienated and separated from people.

But most importantly, cuddling.

INFP and I like quirked up shawties (ENFPs, INTPs, ENTPs and ISFPs)

I've known INFPs that have a hard time gathering their thoughts and putting them together in the moment. I definitely have such moments but they've gotten less common the further I've gotten into adulthood.

But one of those people has a near perfect GPA, the highest in her year level. It's a constant annoyance to her that she's often "out-talked" in face to face conversations by people who can speak really eloquently but actually have very little of meaning to say.

4w5 - politics, sociology, cultural studies. Might be literature or philosophy if I were doing a different degree.