Yes, you can continue to claim. UC is based on your earnings, nothing else. Though you may have to continue attending appointments and looking for work if that is part of your commitments. Can I ask, have you been assessed as having limited capability for work?

I don’t see the problem, it all ends up in the same waste pipe anyway.

Edit: sorry I thought we were talking about shitting. Brushing your teeth in the shower is pretty bad, huge water waste

Social landlord? If so they accidentally confirmed your monthly rent as weekly (I’d make it £532.73 per month in total?).

Best thing you can do is declare it again, from the same date and this will allow the landlord to verify it again, hopefully correctly. You will have to pay back the difference.

This will always be picked up eventually, either by UC or the landlord. You will not have to pay it back in one go (though could if you want) and the maximum they would take back is 25% of your standard allowance per assessment period

Not considered income for UC purpose, would become capital of unspent

I know this sounds sarcastic but: Nobody cares about your foot fetish or whatever. The people checking this, if they even do, are just getting through the day so they can get home and do whatever weird shit they like doing

Universal Credit is calculated monthly, you are calculating it as 4 weeks. From the LHA rate it is (102.41/7*365)/12 = £444.99 (UC rounds up to £445.

Ok. You were self-employed then. Declare that you were self-employed from whatever date you started this activity. Universal Credit doesn’t care if you think it was a hobby. You declaring the self-employment, having that verified then reporting your income and expenses is the process. How much went into your bank account in total is not enough information to determine if any overpayment has occurred and if so how much.

Once you’ve declared everything you can then advise you are no longer self-employed.

You need to declare that you are self employed and at the end of that process report your income (and expenses) relating to this activity.

Yes, here is an article from the sun talking about just such a thing, it does not fulfil your absurdly specific criteria but this is a thing they do and have always done

Calm your tits lads, BBC/Match of the Day often do these kinds of puns, for everyone, this one just happens to be top tier jerking

Yeah I don’t want to pile in too hard but I’m wondering if OP has ever had… a friend? Like a good one?

Actually thought this was soccercirclejerk while scrolling

A deduction for current Council Tax is not something that would be taken from Universal Credit. I’ve only provided an example of a fairly standard deduction and amount. Check your previous statement, particularly near the bottom for a £19.67 deduction.

Look in your deductions. £19.67 is a very common deduction amount (5% of Standard Allowance) for things like Council Tax arrears/fines etc

To get a monthly figure from that you multiply by 52 then divide by 12, which is what the calculator is showing. I am assuming this is a Council or HA tenancy. To get the correct figure you need to input whatever rental frequency is on your tenancy agreement, taking into consideration any ‘rent free’ weeks.

If your tenancy agreement is weekly, and you have no rent free weeks the figure shown is correct.

That calculator is working out your rent as some approximation of £482.28 being a 4 weekly amount, rather than a monthly amount. Did you input a weekly figure?

You cannot receive more than your actual monthly rent cost.

Edit: you have £483.28 further down which gives the exact figure of £523.55 when £483.28 is used as a four weekly figure (multiply by 13, divide by 12).

So: is the £483.28 every month or every four weeks?

I prefer the non live Rich Evans Reactions Mike uses

Imagine if the major corporations existed 150 years ago! We’d never have had musical bangers like ‘take me out’ by footballing songwriteing powerhouse’s from Scott-Land to allow us to nail unsuspecting 15 year olds. Pls google ‘pornub’ for more info

Uj/ This is fucking brutal. Best game of the tournament by far, best player is eliminated. This should be referred to the ICTY

If that is correct then it is over 2% of players there which I’d actually consider over represented given that Saudi Arabia is 0% of Europe.