Oh good point my dumbass was like "it's 95 F here. It must be 95 F everywhere else"

I have never seen an airsoft gun stovepipe like that, that's lowkey cool, glad you got it fixed tho

where are you playing? I hope to God you don't intend on playing in 95° F in that.

pack heat (/s) I'm all out of ideas to be frank. If law enforcement cannot act legally and you are unable to assist without endangering yourself or others, there is no quick way to retrieve them unless you plan on sudden violence, which I highly discourage in any state, whether Texas or not. It will take a while for both ASPCA, the pound, and LEO to respond, so their help in the situation is very limited.

break into the house at night and let them out. vigilantes become law enforcement when law enforcement fails to enforce law. (/s for personal legal reasons)

commit actual crimes and felonies and maybe it'll be funny. Like post a vid of you going to chrono with the real firearm and shred your local field's chronometer and get to ride in a police cruiser. now THAT'S comedy

great job OP, you present incomplete info in a fashion that makes it look like it's the whole truth and cry "outrage" at a court decision that included the entire truth, which you do not include. pinnacle SJW


If the guns weren't a threat to the Third Reich and the Final Solution, why did the Nazis ban racial and social minorities/"undesirables" from owning them in the first place? Why did the RSSR and following Soviet satellite states ban the ownership of firearms exceeding smoothbore shotguns among civilians? Why does China claim some of the most despicable human rights violations, yet bar civilians from owning firearms? Why always is one of the first steps to ensuring the security of a tyrant or authoritarian government the ban of the production, transport, sale, and private ownership of period-appropriate firearms?

If it's not a problem for a government to dispatch military/paramilitary forces to every single one of an estimated 53,280,000 possible residences where firearms are owned and have the possibility of a shootout with an estimated total of roughly 100,000,000 legal gun owners, why don't they?

Hypothetically, if the next U.S. president, Republican or Democrat, I don't give a shit, decided that their first act of office was to to ban the private ownership of firearms, allowing law enforcement and military personnel to utilize lethal force if necessary (which is a far reach but could be achieved in the future), the following would result in a potential bloodbath that would be political suicide, making not only the party and politician irredeemable PR wise, but would potentially lead to an insurrection following the depletion of law enforcement and military resources and troops. The casualties that this "war against guns" would yield would be heavy on both sides and may plunge the country into societal or at least political collapse; hard leaning red and deep blue states would duke it out, possibly seizing control of Army Natty Guard forces within their state, not unlike what we saw with the U.S.-Texan border conflict earlier this year, and using them against U.S. federal troops or else. Advanced weaponry possessed by our military also means little to nothing when you warrant the surrender, arrest, or possible elimination of roughly 1/3 of your populous, almost assuredly endangering millions of non-combatants.

Many of the "2A community" not only fantasizes over this, but are actively preparing and are currently prepared for such an occurrence. They are practically crazed by policies which see more and more of their paycheck funnel towards perceived misused tax dollars.

Simply put, civilian private ownership of firearms forces their government to be subordinate to said civilians on some level, and that scares them. Instead of judge, they become jester.