Hahahah if you meant for me, no worries, I already took care of all that.

This is a regular topic at the forum I co-own (TheGearForum.com) and most guitar forums, really.

I’m indifferent to them. I grew up buying gear before the internet and most of what I learned then hasn’t changed; I don’t know for myself until I play it myself.

I’ll watch reviews for specs or for certain geartubers I dig, but if I’m truly interested in buying a piece of gear, I’m going to either take the chance to buy it and try it or find it in a store.

“I’m ok inconveniencing people because I decided to have kids”

Oh! You were close!

I was definitely promoted above my ability, but I rely on and am grateful for others with knowledge, abilities and skills because they help me do my job and learn. When my company offered me this position I would have been an absolute idiot to turn it down and since I’ve been rocking it for 6 years, I’m glad I did. They were keenly aware of my previous work experience.

Not sure what the AI thing was about?

My comment was based off the type of people that hang out in this sub that seem to want to vilify anyone in any perceived position of “power”. Someone can have all the receipts for all the issues they’ve had with employees and the same group of people comes in here just to trash talk to the manager.

Some people aren’t right for some jobs. Easy as that.

I don’t know why this made me chuckle so much, but it did.

Hahahahaha this is 100% a “Leave that shit up to corporate to figure out, fuck up and take the fall for” situation.

If I were the manager…..I’m calling the area director. 😂

Someone needs to overdub a quiet “Fuck you” immediately after the alligator hits the ground.

Hahahahah then sit back and enjoy the fireworks or pray it fizzles out without any drama!

If there’s no policy and more importantly, if you’re not responsible for disciplining/enforcing policy, you’re only going to make your life harder by bringing it up to anyone.

I own both these amps! (But the Shiva is the head) You’re right, Shiva’s specifically start off getting listed around $1800 in general, but the only reason I bought mine was because the guy was sick of storing it and sold it to me for $1000. Then a week later someone was selling a 50-watt 6L6 5153 AND a matching 2x12 for $895, I couldn’t say “No” to that.

I got the Shiva thinking I could flip it and I surely could if I waited long enough, but it’s a pretty great amp so I’ve been digging on it for a while. The EVH is what turned into my live rig, though. Mainly because I’m doing modern metal in the band and the EVH just works better for those tones.

You’re one of those people I do not believe is in this sub for anything to do with management.

I can answer this from my own experiences-

My parents were alcoholics, I grew up hearing my stepdad call his brothers pussies for not handling their liquor, or how they’d brag about finishing off a handle the night before. So when I started drinking in my teens, it was much of the same thing, I learned there was a certain pride I could take in handling my booze better than my friends. And there was some legitimacy to that in high school, at a party over the summer I chugged 3/4’s a bottle of Smirnoff and did a back flip off a picnic table and started that school year off getting accolades for that.

The funny thing was, I fucked it all up, I was trying to flip over the fire and I barely landed next to it and within 15 minutes I was puking my ass off in the woods and had to have a friend bring me home but no one noticed. 😂

Well, now that dwarf tossing is frowned upon this is the next best thing.

I’m always so curious when I see stuff like this, how’s this guy’s social life now? Even the people he associates with that think like him have other to be thinking he’s a fucking moron, but for all the acquaintances that just knew the surface level version of this guy, I’d love to see how those interactions go after they all saw this.

Hmm, I must be lucky with my location, I get it for work a lot because it’s around the corner and quick, but I haven’t noticed a change in portion size at all, pickup or eating there. Been going to the same one a couple times a week for about 6 years.

Killswitch Engage is turning into this band despite being a big fan early on. Hoping their next album changes some things up.

I think I have more examples of bands that I consider favorites of mine but I only really dig 1-2 albums from them. Mudvayne, Fear Factory, Tool, if I look through my phone I’ll probably find another 20 examples.


And then the band you’re supporting? You’ll see them supporting you at the next show, or reaching out to you when they need another band on the bill at a gig.

I’ve certainly gotten gigs just walking into bars and talking to whoever I could, but ALL the great gigs I’ve had over 25 years of playing in bands have come from other bands.

FWIW, my ancestor was a Brit pirate/buccaneer who charted Australia and New Zealand and opened it up to the East Indes Trade Route. Dampier, Australia is named after him (and my last name). I’m there in spirit!

He certainly does, but that was kind of my point, we can’t get him in anywhere and there’s 6 of us all trying at different times in case we catch that one moment it’s possible. For someone who has no support at all, this would be an impossible task and their only real “hope” is that they go so far off the deep end that it’s impossible to ignore.

Yeeeeaaaaahhhhhh buddy!!!

ACME Club for bonus points!

Is there a no-relationships policy in the workplace?

If not, nothing to do about it but let it play out. My company doesn’t have one, I’m in commercial as the Chief Engineer, while I won’t date/bang anyone directly in my company, my boss and our assistant PM have been getting a kick out of playing matchmaker with me with tenants and some of our vendors. Got a good chuckle when we realized that one of them was most certainly using me to get more parking spaces. 😂

Billboards about abortion and gambling every few hundred feet!

The answer to a majority of dumb shit people do or think is insecurity.

Man, I’m actually trying to get my best friend in a hospital now and it is pretty much impossible. He had a mental break a few months ago that everyone thought was drugs, myself included, but as time went on I realized he’s been in a constant manic state. Pretty much can’t do a damn thing unless he’s actively threatening to hurt himself or others. We’ve tried to have him Baker Act’d more than once and it keeps getting denied because he won’t threaten his life in front of the officers and we can’t catch it on video.

Despite everyone involved very clearly seeing he’s in a mental health crisis, their hands are tied until he says those specific words in front of them. If it’s this hard to get someone into a hospital while they have an actual support system, it’s looking pretty bleak for those who have no support at all and are just out there.