You will find feathers, missing chickens, headless, half-eaten chickens, if a raccoon broke into the coop.

It was one of those endings that tied up most of the storylines in the season with what I felt was satisfaction, but also dropped enough mysterious new elements that they could make a second season based on that if they wanted to.

If you don’t like the pace, feel free to skip. A lot of the appeal is in the quiet and terrifying moments on the alien planet. There is more action later, but if the bizarre alien life doesn’t draw you in, the action is not going to satisfy you.

Yes, I would not want my tourism dollars to go to a government that oppresses people like me. It’s questionable morality to say, well, it won’t happen to me personally because of my tourist privilege so it’s fine.

I thought it was pretty mid compared to the rest of the season it was on. Prove me wrong.

Maybe, maybe not, but why would I go somewhere where they are regularly lynching and executing gay people?

Yes, it’s true. Just as a gay person with gay friends, I know quite a few who had to flee their countries to escape death and persecution. It must be nice not to have to deal with those considerations when you’re traveling.

Do not do the Vietnamese e-visa last minute. Give yourself plenty of time in case your submission is returned for whatever reason and you need to resubmit.

It is different than a gratuity or tip in that legally gratuity must all go to the wait staff and tax is not applied to it as it is with a service charge. However, they are not suggesting you tip on top of the service charge. And I would likely not here, even if I had exceptional service, if they are already taking 22%.

They are likely Silkie-crossed to get the Pearl Onyx black skin effect, and Silkies have polydactyly, five toes on each foot.

I’ve read most of the books, so I know what happens, lol. Kirsten Dunst will always be the best Claudia.

This is my one constant slightly negative thought as I’m watching this season. The Claudia is just not as good, plus her Southern accent is a shambles.

Are you sure their crops are not just full of food? Little babies are growing so fast, so they eat a lot, but their crops are very small, so it is not unusual for a very young chick's crop to be full almost all the time.

Truly. I’d rather someone force me to watch the egg tube come out of the cloaca to drop a bloom-drenched egg than to smell the cecal matter.

I had a lone chick for a week once, while I was waiting for her sisters to hatch. I put a mirror in the brooder and also spent a lot of time with her. I think she turned out fine, she's now the top hen in the flock.

This seems too good to be true, am I missing something?

No, you are not missing anything. The backdoor Roth conversion renders the income limit superfluous. Congress can decide at any time to close the loophole, but they haven't yet, so you might as well take advantage of it now.

Hwagyo is the Korean pronunciation of 華僑 which means overseas Chinese. If your family has no roots in Taiwan and none of you have ever been to Taiwan, then why would you want to identify as Taiwanese? It sounds like you are ethnically Chinese and maybe culturally a bit Chinese and Korean, plus whatever your mother's side is.