“I need scissors! 42!!”

  • Colonel Campbell

Game almost 30 years old and this guy just figured out how to soft lock the Water Temple, totally on accident, congratulations

No, Leela, brain make people smart

I’m fine if a baby wants to be nude in the privacy of their own home but I hate how they constantly have to shove it in our face that they aren’t capable of clothing themselves yet. Like, we get it, you’re a baby. You don’t see us shoving it in their faces that we have developed the fine motor skills required to don garments. Sheesh.

The Hank one is straight up boomer bait.

Still got my Lattimore 21 jersey

Krieger's Virtual Girlfriend

I was always kinda disappointed in Archer for finding Katya hotter than Lana. It fits his character, she’s a prototypical blonde bombshell and he’s a man-child, it’s just kind of basic.

lives every week like shark week

George Will just keeps getting more and more conservative

I only break wind once a year, at the top of a mountain in the Swiss Alps

You must have seen Austin Powers 2 and the Matrix on the same day

lives every week like shark week

I’m gonna go to my favorite website, StopShowingOff.Com

Console player here, this is so impressive and clean. Are you playing with 25 tiles? It’s so hard to make intersections on console that are both compact and efficient, yet that’s exactly what is most valuable. I imagine this takes up a lot of space (not that it isn’t worth every tile for its beauty alone)

The number of times I’ve seen people post this makes me feel better about my musical ear. Apparently some people really don’t catch it.