I had to make peace with the wasted effort of having like 18 pre-filled cards, but it's so much easier now. I only have to send one thing in snail mail (CLEO letter).

You just send a high quality scan of your card to any one of the outfits and they email you the file. I used National Gun Trusts, but there are lots of places that offer this service.

I wonder if she's like this about other stuff, like sex.

"So here's a list of my 23 top sexual fetishes ranked by weirdness and legality."

(Skims list)

"Is that it?"

Get electronic prints. Saved me a bunch of time.

Good kit for 7.62 SBR

I am looking to SBR an AK in 7.62 via a Form 1. Does anyone have experience with the WBP Lynx Kits? Are they good quality? I want to make an SBR (ideally with a side-folding stock) with roughly a 8" or 9" barrel (12.5" is too long) and shoot it regularly, so I want something that can take some abuse and is reliable. If this isn't the right kit, which one is? Thanks in advance!

Edit: I live in a dumb state and am only able to modify existing AKs, not purchase any new ones, so I am limited to a kit for this project.

Good Kit for SBR
Moderator removed post

"Leave it to the professionals"

Maybe we need to rethink the fireworks as a means of celebration or, at very least, celebrate in a cooler, wetter month. Cornwallis surrendered on October 19, 1781...

I am always blown away by how many people walk into a large, fancy building, often in the middle of nowhere, that is owned by a business that employs hundreds if not thousands of people almost exclusively through running gambling operations, and they think "Yeah, this is here because they lose to guys like me. Time to get my free money. Wooohooo!"

This guy's cheek fucks! I mean, this guy's cheek is fucked!

If Baltimore were honest, they'd design the city logo after this woman. She's certainly left her mark on the city.

I appreciate the sentiment, but the dude is a straight-up up narcissist. Do you really want to ruin his day? Here are the questions a reporter should ask:

Miles who?

I don't understand; are you looking to buy ad space?

Do you have a story for us?

What do you mean you are the story?

Could you please leave?

Why does not getting the expected results hurt you? Seems like a short-sighted approach. Anything you might gain by lying will be removed twofold (or more) when you get caught. I know what sub this is, but I think you're just SOL on this one.

Possibly. More important question: how much taxpayer money was spent on this monstrosity?

So basically $200 in batteries plus a charger for $6? Amazing!

That conductor may have saved his life. A foot is soft and has give, especially when attached to a leg that can move backwards. The train is metal. Imagine getting "kicked" by the edge of a box car, a ladder rung, or other metal bar hanging off one of those cars with the full force of a frigging freight train behind it! That's deadly even without considering the possibility that he could get knocked onto the tracks and all the fun that thar would entail.

Doesn't that depend on jurisdiction? I thought at least in New York, this might be considered "depraved indifference"

Source: 182 episodes of Law & Order