Yes when i see any license plate that alludes to calling oneself a king or queen is so cringe to me

Its providing slow service to people who aren't paying you for any. I think that's a fair trade-off.

Whether you agree with tip culture or not, that's the way things are in the US. It's part of the social contract when you go out. If you dont believe in tipping, you better make it clear from the get-go. The consequence is that you receive the service you deserve.

Also, the customers pay your wage wherever you go. You just dont see how revenue gets split into labor costs for the grocery store.

Oh, no. This is good stuff. I hadnt even considered

Haha i have no idea who that is but you said it with conviction so i trust you entirely

I feel for you. I want to yak just looking at this! I cant believe they let it get that bad. Good for you on taking initiative, though it shouldnt have to be you.

This is one of those pictures you share in the groupchat.

I dont even like the real stuff. Straight from the mushroom. Its too intense for me

100000% truffle. I feel like ill never be a true foodie bc i hate it. And i hate the fresh stuff too. Its too incredibly pungent and stinks, to me, like sweaty feet.

Im with you op! Kinda, at least. I definitely can taste saffron, and i dont think its "bad" per se. But it is overrated. The flavor isnt so special that i crave it or would spend extra money to use it in dishes/cocktails.

That said, im eating dishes that mostly wouldnt benefit from that category of spice/flavor. So...meh.

I also work at a place that doesnt really use trays. We can, but its not expected or required. Just curious why your restaurant chooses not to use them?

Arbys is so good for screaming



Sounds like a good way to get shot or get cancer or both. Totally worth it.

Ah, yes. Ive always wanted to be banned from a cemetary

Good idea but im hosting. Wouldnt want the fam to think im exactly as unhinged as i actually am