Did you win a big bodily injury claim or what? Damn...

I think adding a "wanted" frame around it solves any problems

If you are playing solo self found then it's a great weapon to use for a melee char while you look for upgrades. If you're wondering if it has any online trade value, it does not.

Throw a hustle in there too and man will be sprinting! Harmony on switch and now he's the flash

I would check recent trades and current items on traderie and then break the Lo down into ists then break the some of those down to make, um, pul etc to have the value of each of the individual items, but as stated above you'll need a lot more to get enigma

When did you transition?

Gotta get "wrong leg" tatted on your right leg lol

I heard you made a bunch of money since that Dr.Phil episode so you should be able to afford a good artist for a cover up or even laser.

Next time don't film this so close to the kitchen, all those cut up onions are getting to me

I'm a cool tones kinda guy so my rank would be 3, 1, 2 but my wife would like 2 the most because she likes warm neutrals lol side note, what app/program did you use to make these different paint scenarios?

That's a good question and I don't know the answer lol I would say it likely depends on if that takes you down a fcr breakpoint or not. I typically run CM, shako, viper magi, spirit, +2 fcr ammy, mage fist, and then either soj, bagel or fcr ring depending on break points and ammy. I've always had good success with mf and fast kil speed and CM is cheaper than hoto for only an um but I imagine kill speed is comparable

I personally tend to play nova sorc with crescent moon and then eventually give Merc infinity and then you can always utilize it on Merc for another char as well

Listen to this and use the CB and have the other hand open for another 1h like oath, grief, azure, grandfather etc. don't listen to me and make a thundermaul just for the looks... Lol

I imagine the Colossus is the best option statistically followed by the warpike but my vote is thundermaul solely for how absolutely badass he'll look wielding it lol

The wide angle lens the photographer used really captures the classic skating pictures and videos I grew up watching

Good lord what the fuck do you do to be able to have such a badass home in such a beautiful location?

At first I didn't read your note and thought you were upset. I was thinking to myself but what you got is better than what you asked for lol

He can but the blizzard itself likely won't deal that much damage as it doesn't unlock until level 24. At that point his synergies, like ice blast, will be stronger than the blizzard and he might be doing overall less damage than he would if he just went full into fireball. A good way to play around with different skill allotments and test damage is a skill calculator. If you Google d2r skill calculator there are options, I use wowhead, and then you can test putting skill points into different builds to see damage numbers before you actually respec in game. In general blizzard becomes really powerful because all the synergies it has to buff its damage, but those take levels to have those additional skill points.

Here's my two cents (from someone who has been playing d2/D2R casually for around 20 years). Early game is going to be the slowest progression for a sorc but clear speeds should still be fairly quick. I would assume he's using a relatively meta fireball setup with the runeword leaf to start? That's what I typically rock till around a4 nm and then I switch to frozen orb. If he is always playing with you or others and doesn't have to worry about immunes, he can fully spec into cold (typically blizzard) or into nova (but he'll likely die a lot with nova until es is relatively high.

Increased mana pool from lvls, runewords like insight for Merc and a spirit sword will help with game speed and not needing to chug potions. Damage however in hell is still potentially going to feel slow to him until he gets end game gear. One thing that will help is target farming in areas where his sorc build exceeds (no immunes and lower res to that elemental dmg).

Another way to help is by playing a super char for him. For pally it could be a fohdin with a conviction aura to help his dmg. It could be a necro that uses lower res curse to also help.

Overall I personally think d2 has so much replayability because of the grind you have to overcome when you start a new char. Finding that first 4os sword for spirit, getting a viperrmagi, shako, occy, etc feels so good when you had to experience the slow clear speeds and kiting just to make it through.

Good luck and hope he starts to appreciate the grind that is d2.

Between this and lags/server issues I exclusively play hc offline.